Washing Machine State Machine

I am at work with no access to my rules at present. I’ll try to post something this evening.

Hello @sipvoip,
after you got the new item updating with the current state of whatever you are monitoring, you can use additional rules to trigger on events there and again execute some logic. That’s the real beauty of the automation how it is encouraged by openHAB. I’m sure you are fully aware of that, just wanted to state for others.

You posted your solution for SMS notification and that’s great. If you want to contribute it for others and are also looking for ideas on how to optimize it, it’s probably better you open a new thread :wink:

I’m btw using Pushover, which is a good alternative to SMS if you own a Smartphone.

I was thinking about that too! Did not implement yet but it’s also not really the focus of this thread. My idea was to receive one notification when the washing machine is done AND I’m at home and additionally to receive notifications when entering or leaving the apartment.

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Thanks @sihui :wink:

The Sonoff Pow module is quite new and there was no firmware available yet. However, I contacted arendt, the developer of the Sonoff alternative firmware and he was amazingly quick and professional in adding support for the Sonoff Pow:

@hipohop If you are interested in the Pow and are not afraid to do what was described in the article linked by sihui, it’s a pretty good choice to get your consumption measurement started :wink:

Update: I just remembered, that this could be of interest to @TommySharp. Check here for more details.

Hello, nice you got it working. Are you on openHAB 1.8? The Datatype can be omitted in OH2 but I can add it to the example to make this Tutorial valid for OH1.8 as well.

Hi Thom,

please add an example for OH 1.8

My 10 seconds do not create that kind of problem but I can see how 10 minutes could spoil the fun. Are you sure that you chose the right thresholds? I found that my washing machine uses slightly more power in the idle-active phases than in the real idle phase.

Sounds like you should invest in a second measurement module :wink:

I´m on openhab 1.8.3. With the adding of “Number” now it works.

I will make another test when my wife is using the washing machine next time.

Little bit offtopic:
I saw the sonoff pow. How accurate is the power measurement? And how can i flash it? Do i have to use some extra equipment or is it done with mini usb cable?

Is there a sonoff for measuring 3 phases too? So i could see the power consumption of my whole house?

Great. I’ll update the first post. @alex_alexandroff22 now you know :wink:

Regarding Sonoff: It was just released and everyone involved is still waiting for the shipment from china to arrive, probably in around one week on my side. I’m actually more interested in the relative change in consumption more than in the accuracy of the reading… For all other details, please see the link posted by @sihui

Sonoff pow would be great. My knx actor only can measure ampere. No voltage, no power factor - so no watt too.

And sonoff is way more cheaper then a channel of my knx actor.

So i´m waiting for your reply on this if your sonoff arrived the next weeks.

Please post the link to a new post for sonoff here in this thread too, so i can find it easily.

Yes, this would have been easier. But sometimes “the path is the goal and not the end”:-).

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Any recommendations for power monitoring modules for the US that don’t require rewiring (like the Sonoff appears to). I could wire something up using the Sonoff Pow, but would prefer not to.

There are quite a few out there. I’d recommend to look out for a technology you already own. Homematic, Zwave,… there are some options

I use three 32 channel GEM units and a perl scrip that pushes the data via MQTT.

Very interesting and useful ideas! Thank you @ThomDietrich for sharing your idea and efforts :slight_smile:

Actually I’m realising a few different ideas with ESP8266 by my own, to have it a bit smaller and more flexible for my needs into coffee machines, irons etc, behind the wall plugs in the wall etc pp. At all cool stuff from ITEAD :+1:

But one question in the round. What the hell does GEM unit means?
Geriatric Evaluation and Management
Global Electric Measurement
German Execution Method… :rolling_eyes:

sipvoip should have mentioned the full name. I believe it’s less a scientific unit than a commercial product unit :slight_smile: http://www.brultech.com/greeneye

Ah, ok, I think that’s the GreenEye Monitor is mentioned by GEM, thanks again Thom!
I googled a few minutes too, but without useful results…

Sorry guys!