2.5.x ZWave Thing Struggles

I just have a personal preference to edit things and commit over git and push/deploy (which matches every other developer workflow I have).

I also am super bad at editing JSON.

The rollback-ability of the CI/CD system is also appealing. If I do something, generally, it’s a revert away from being back to normal. There’s obviously caveats to this but it’s been convenient so far. :slight_smile:

10 ways to do everything - if not more :stuck_out_tongue: (also thanks for all your tutorials, you’re fantastic)

I must admit that while I did mess around with that syntax for some other bindings, I did not try it with zwave. For the preposterous reason that it does not work as nicely with my custom vim syntax highlighting for openHAB configuration files.

Since I have a solution that works fine (and aligns with how Chris actually uses his software) I will probably stick with that.



This was exceptionally informative, and was largely new information to me. Thanks for providing all that.

I have been using openHAB for a while. I think I started as 1.99 was closing in on becoming the 2.0 release, but I am hazy on that. For sure I had to decide if I was going to do my original home automation build in the past (using 1.8 or whatever) or push to the new frontier on 2.x. I rolled directly into openHAB2.

While at the time it was tough because much of the documentation still revolved around 1.x, I found the forums invaluable and have generally found the openHAB community to be helpful and supportive.

Posts like these that are durable (and discoverable though search) are a big part of that.
