Just a quick update to show how I’m working through the problem.
What I did was just add a couple of chmod calls using executeCommandLine to reset the permissions of the files in question to what they need to be before calling the script I actually want to execute. It works quite well and doesn’t require sudo since openhab owns the files.\
var String results = executeCommandLine("chmod a+x /etc/openhab/configurations/scripts/*", 5000)
logInfo("Network", "Resetting permissions on script:\n" + results)
results = executeCommandLine("chmod go-r ~openhab/.ssh/*", 5000)
logInfo("Network", "Resetting permissions on .ssh:\n" + results)
results = executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab/configurations/scripts/resetGarageMqttReporter.sh", 5000)
logInfo("Network", "Resetting garage mwttReporter. Results:\n" + results)