Accessing numbers with textual config

Hi there,
running OH 2.5 on an Pi3b with deconz dongle to access zigbee devices. Struggling with an Xiaomi motion sensor, which reports also illuminance.
If I link it via the PaperUI - I get the channels of that sensor and - creating an item I get the value.

if I try to access the device via textual configuration (my whole system is based on textual config)

Number:Illuminance EG_Windfang_Helligkeit  "Helligkeit EG Windfang [%.1f lx]"                    {channel="deconz:lightsensor:homeserver:EG_Windfang_Helligkeit:lightlux" }
Bridge deconz:deconz:homeserver  [ host="x.x.x.x" , apikey = "xxxx" ] { lightsensor         EG_Windfang_Helligkeit "Sensor EG Windfang Helligkeit"[id="17"]   

I just get 0 lux. PaperUI shows the channels of the thing.

What is wrong here?
Best regards

Seems it got fixed after another reboot …
Not sure what is causingf this behavior, but at least it works now

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