"Actual_Temp" with Fritz! Binding and Fritz! DECT 302

Hello together,

I try to add my Fritz! DECT 302 to OpenHab 4.3.1. I have installed the Fritz! Binding on openhab, activate telenet on the Fritz Box and a User for Openhab in the FritzBox (with Smart Home access rights).

The Binding finds the Heating-Group for the Fritz Box (discovered automatical), but not the Fritz DECT 302 it self. With the group all works fine, but i can’t show the actual temperature for the thermostate. If I setup a link to the “actual_temp” from the group, it’s always have the value 0.

I tried to add the DECT 302 manualy, with his AIN, but it’s not found (Status is always “Unknown”).

Have anyone a idea, what i’m doing wrong?

Many thank. Martin

Hello together,

looks like, nobody can help.
Has anyone runing the fritz! binding with the DECT 302 and can provide some informations, like it’s work normaly?
I found, that I have the same problem also on “radiator_mode”.

Thank you, Martin