Add Zigbee things/items in config files

Thank you for the swift reply. Just to be sure, so right now we can’t define Zigbee devices using things files, right?

No - that’s not what I said. You should be able to define zigbee devices in things files I think - you just can’t configure the devices since this is blocked by openHAB core. There was always the intention to provide this function in ESH/OH, and I think there is probably still an open issue in the core somewhere, but I don’t hold my breath that this will ever happen.

This is the same for other bindings such as ZWave.

@chris ,
So, when defining Zigbee devices, in most cases we wouldn’t need any configuration parameter. But if any device needs a configuration parameter, we can add this while defining, right?

May be off-topic, Zigbee coordinator is a thing (Not a bridge). So when defining a zigbee device (which will be connected to the ZigBee coordinator), we don’t need to add bridge-id, Do we?

Correct - most of the time you don’t need to change a devices configuration.

No - it is not possible to define a devices configuration in a thing file. You can define the thing configuration - ie the binding part of the configuration - but if you need to change a configuration in the device itself, then this is not possible.

The coordinator is a bridge (a bridge is still just a thing though). When you define a thing, you will need to add the bridge id of the coordinator.

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