Adding Reolink API to the IpCamera binding, beta testers needed

The times are 8 seconds apart and the time may have expired. I think the upcoming changes may help if that is the cause. Its only a week or two and we will have builds for the next stable needing to be tested.

@El_Duderino can you test the latest openhab release candidate to see if it still occurs for you?

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Hi all,

update figured it out… when i upgraded some how the password still showed up with ****** but i deleted it and retyped it and it worked.

I just upgraded to 4.3 and now i cannot connect to my reolink doorbell with the API token enabled. I can only connect when i turn the api token off.
If i set to on i get a bad username and password.

Thanks for reporting. My theory is that the reply for the token does not come back fast enough before the camera comes online and all the REFRESH commands are sent for all the channels. Can you confirm this with the TRACE logs? The REFRESH commands are what was newly added so that openHAB asks for each channel what the setting is in the camera so that it can display the correct state and the openHAB controls match the states in the camera. Your work around of not using the tokens is probably the best way forward until we can confirm and get a fix released.

Hi @matt1 ,

I found problem with setting / unsetting enableEmail for Reolink Wifi Dorbell D340W. It is not working and generating such trace logs:

2025-01-06 12:23:24.019 [TRACE] [era.internal.handler.IpCameraHandler] - Sending camera: POST: http://x.x.x.x:80/api.cgi?cmd=SetEmail&user=admin&password=xxxx
2025-01-06 12:23:24.194 [TRACE] [era.internal.handler.IpCameraHandler] - HTTP Result from /api.cgi?cmd=SetEmail&user=admin&password=xxxx contains       :[
      "cmd" : "Unknown",
      "code" : 1,
      "error" : {
         "detail" : "not support",
         "rspCode" : -9
2025-01-06 12:23:24.195 [WARN ] [era.internal.handler.IpCameraHandler] - URL /api.cgi?cmd=SetEmail is not handled currently by the binding, please report this message

Using postman i checked that setting / unsetting email notifications works with SetEmailV20 requests:

[{“cmd”: “SetEmailV20”,“param”: {“Email”: {“enable”: 1}}}]
[{“cmd”: “SetEmailV20”,“param”: {“Email”: {“enable”: 0}}}]

Also setting and unsetting push notificationsis working not as expected. Below are trace logs:

2025-01-06 12:31:33.094 [TRACE] [era.internal.handler.IpCameraHandler] - Sending camera: POST: http://x.x.x.x:80/api.cgi?cmd=SetPush&user=admin&password=xxxx
2025-01-06 12:31:33.417 [TRACE] [era.internal.handler.IpCameraHandler] - HTTP Result from /api.cgi?cmd=SetPush&user=admin&password=xxxx contains        :[
      "cmd" : "SetPush",
      "code" : 0,
      "value" : {
         "rspCode" : 200
2025-01-06 12:31:33.418 [WARN ] [era.internal.handler.IpCameraHandler] - URL /api.cgi?cmd=SetPush is not handled currently by the binding, please report this message

but more over it is canceling any calendar for notifications on doorbell - below is answer for GetPushV20 request:

"cmd" : "GetPushV20",
"code" : 0,
"value" : {
"Push" : {
"enable" : 0,
"schedule" : {
"channel" : 0,
"table" : {
"MD" :

What I checked it should work properly with such SetPushV20 requests:

[{“cmd”: “SetPushV20”,“param”:{“Push”:{“enable”: 1}}}]
[{“cmd”: “SetPushV20”,“param”:{“Push”:{“enable”: 0}}}]

I registered bugs for it: