Adding two new devices

Hi all,

I registered at opensmarthouse and want to add one new devices.

Eurotronic Temperature and Humdity Sensor

but I have two problems.

  • First I don’t find the xml file in /var/lib/openhab2/zwave. Both are missing here (but I see them on the paperui)
  • Second I don’t find the Add Button opensmarthouse

Best regards,

What version of openHAB are you running?

That means the devices have not been fully discovered by the binding. This is usually an issue with battery operated devices that need to be woken up many times for discovery to complete,.

You may need additional account permissions. Unfortunately, Chris is on vacation. If you can post the xml file we can work with you to get the devices added if needed.


attached you find the xml file. You were right. It took a night until it was available.

grml I cannot upload xml files as new user. I have to post it :confused:

  <associationGroups class="concurrent-hash-map">
  <endpoints class="concurrent-hash-map">
        <supportedCommandClasses class="concurrent-hash-map">
  <lastReceived>2020-10-08 00:30:30.681 UTC</lastReceived>

Best regards,

The XML file looks fine to me but trying to create the database device gives an error.

I will need to look at this further this evening after my workday.

Apparently that device is already partially in the database but not available because it is incomplete. That is why I could not add it.
I will see if i can complete the entry.

I finished adding the device. Normally @chris exports the database once a week but he is on vacation. The new entry would then appear in a snapshot build.

For future reference, the entry is here.

I managed to do an update this morning…

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Sorry to tag you on your vacation.

Hey Chris & Bruce,
thank you very much. Is there a possibility to test is here? Were can I get the file and were do I have to copy it?

We need to wait until a new snapshot binding is built. I believe the install script can let you manually install the binding.

I really should verify that this evening but am evaluating a crisis at work currently.

EDIT: I cannot easily verify the script because my test system is on OH3 currently.

No probs Bruce. We have good internet access at the moment, but we’re heading further into the back of beyond over the next couple of days so things may head south again after tonight.

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Does the wife & family agree with that too? :wink:

Yeah - we’re not up to too much - just a bit of walking and driving around the far north of Scotland so I’ve a little time in the evening at least :slight_smile:

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Hi all,
I tested it with the snapshot build #69 and it is working. Thank you very much for this great support.
Bruce & Chris, thanks for your support / help.

Best regards,