Adding up two numbers

I again need your help with a basic thing. I want to add up two values. I already spend 2 hours trying to find out myself but I could not figure it out.

I have:

var Number result  = (soll_gEG1 as DecimalType) + (offset_gEG1 as DecimalType)

I get the error:
2017-04-02 12:08:10.188 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.ExecuteRuleJob] - Error during the execution of rule Get Temp: org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DecimalType

I already tried this, but also did not work:

var Number result  = (soll_gEG1.state as DecimalType) + (offset_gEG1.state as DecimalType)

The two value have been derive from a read:

var Number soll_gEG1 = transform("JSONPATH", "$.[0].raeume[0].solltemperatur", json) 
var Number offset_gEG1 = transform("JSONPATH", "$.[0].raeume[0].total_offset", json) 

Both values are not NULL. Can somebody please help me how to get it to work?


If all variables are number types, there should be no need to cast, so:

var Number result  = soll_gEG1 + offset_gEG1

ought to be OK.

Thanks Oli for your swift reply.

I tried to add the two numbers. When I do this I get an error:

2017-04-02 21:12:56.201 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.ExecuteRuleJob] - Error during the execution of rule Get Temp: An error occured during the script execution: Could not invoke method: org.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.lib.NumberExtensions.operator_plus(java.lang.Number,java.lang.Number) on instance: null

I checked that both numbers are not null:

2017-04-02 21:12:56.190 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Offset] - ************* soll_gEG1: 0.5
2017-04-02 21:12:56.196 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Offset] - ************* offset_gEG1: 22.0

Here is the simple line of code:

soll_gEG1 = soll_gEG1.intValue + offset_gEG1 

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Thanks a ton!

soll_gEG1 = soll_gEG1 + offset_gEG1

Thanks Oli. Just tried but get the same error. Very strange, cannot be that hard to add two numbers.

Indeed. Uh…maybe because decimals?
soll_gEG1 = soll_gEG1 as as DecimalType + offset_gEG1 as DecimalType
but picking at straws really…

again, thanks for your support. I spent another 6 hours adding two numbers: crazy! Its still not working.

I can clearly see that the veriable is not NULL before doing a calculation. But in the calculation I get error messages stating that the variable is NULL. As soon as I try to cast it to x as DecimalType or x.doubleValue I get an error message.

Here is the line I get the value from:

var Number temp_gEG1 = transform("JSONPATH", "$.[0].raeume[0].temperatur", json)  

as soon as I write:

var Number temp_gEG1 = transform("JSONPATH", "$.[0].raeume[0].temperatur", json)  as DecimalType 
var Number temp_gEG1 = transform("JSONPATH", "$.[0].raeume[0].temperatur", json).doubleValue

I get error messages like

Error during the execution of rule Get Hum: An error occured during the script execution: The name ‘.doubleValue’ cannot be resolved to an item or type.
Error during the execution of rule Get Hum: org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DecimalType

Any ideas from the group how I can solve this? All I want to do is to add two values from my heating system.

Would be extremely grateful for help!!!

After another 2 hours I found the solution:


does the trick for me.