Addons duplicated on "addons-2.1.0" and "openhab-addons-2.1.0"

Hi I’m trying to debug an issue with myopenhab notifications and I realized that most of the add-ons are listed in two repositories (I have an standard apt-get installation on Raspbian).

openhab> feature:list |grep cloud
openhab-misc-openhabcloud                   | 2.1.0            | x        | Started     | addons-2.1.0                | openHAB Cloud Connector
openhab-misc-openhabcloud                   | 2.1.0            | x        | Started     | openhab-addons-2.1.0        | openHAB Cloud Connector

Is this the expected behaviour? Why does it show as started twice?

Thanks for your insights


Yes, this is normal if you have installed the KAR file for local use as well. This results in the same feature being registered twice, once locally, once remotely.
But if you do a list -s which shows you the installed bundles, you will see that it is only installed once, so all is fine.

Thank @Kai. So I guess this is not an issue. Still for completeness I tried

openhab> feature:list --installed |grep cloud
openhab-misc-openhabcloud       | 2.1.0            | x        | Started | addons-2.1.0                | openHAB Cloud Connector
openhab-misc-openhabcloud       | 2.1.0            | x        | Started | openhab-addons-2.1.0        | openHAB Cloud Connector

And it is still shown twice. I checked the kar directory and found openhab-addons-2.1.0 openhab-addons-legacy-2.1.0. I assume they were installed by the openhab2-addons & openhab2-addons-legacy packages.

Should I remove these to debian packages and let addons be downloaded on demand? (I followed this tutorial for setup



Sorry, what I meant was a bundle:list -s | grep cloud, which will list you the bundles, not the features.