Advice needed for automating rollershutters

I use the manual rollershutters which can be seen on the picture. Is there an easy way to automate them with a -preferable- battery based system using something like ZWave and with a stable binding which could be used for openhab? The installation is based in Switzerland.

Any suggestions highly welcome, if you need more info just tell me.

Forget about batteries. You need way more power to operate shutters.
Many people use ZWave actuators like the Fibaro FGRM-223, that’s not the problem.
But you need a motor based install first and I doubt there’s motors for your setup - that you would need to replace by a spindle atop the window.

Would be very interested in a solution myself. Have the same problem…

Last time my rollershutter got changed I asked, if there is a way to operate them automatically. They told me, there is currently no way with some external motor.

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