Aeotec Z-Wave Stick gen7

Just for reference some excerpts from the statutes of the openHAB Foundation (machine translation):

§ 2 Purpose of the association

  1. the purpose of the openHAB Foundation is the promotion of consumer advice and consumer protection regarding Free Software for home automation, in order to promote the free exchange of knowledge and equal the free exchange of knowledge and equal opportunities in the access to such software as well as the such software and to support popular education.
  2. the purpose shall be served in particular by:
    a. the ideational support of governmental agencies and private organizations in all questions concerning free software for home automation,
    b. the dissemination of the philosophical ideals of Free Software,
    c. to inform and educate the public about the possibilities and the educational potential of Free Software in home automation, e.g. by producing flyers, documents flyers, documents, publications, and hosting events.

The initial discussion about the openHAB Foundation can be found here.