Alexa dont turn off simple rule

Hi mates, first of all thank you for this great forum

I have a strange problem, is when it comes to establishing a simple switch

First declare the item:

Switch ka “computer” [ “Switchable” ]

In this moment alexa recognizes it, when i say, turn on or tur off i see in the logs the command and the valor change

Now i declare a simple rule:
rule “Encender”

            Item    ka     received command ON
            executeCommandLine("sudo /etc/openhab2/scripts/")

rule “Apagar”

            Item    ka     received command OFF
            executeCommandLine("sudo /etc/openhab2/scripts/")

I use the swtich with alexa app, openhabs panels and work perfect, the problem its with the voice.

The comand “Alexa power on computer” work perfect, i see in the logs the change states and the and the execution os the script

But when i use the “Alexa power off computer” dont work, the logs shows nothing, alexa lights up but nothing happens, it’s as if she did not recognize the order

Has someone else happened to you?

Thanks in advance and excuse my bad english

After adding the item to the sitemap to see the switch, does it change the state with the voice command ? Does the execute command work when changing the switch not by alexa but in the sitemap by hand ?

What happens with “Alexa turn off computer”?

First of all thank you for the help, and the wonderful forum.

I already found what was the problem, in this case it is the listening of the Spanish of alexa, certain names accompanied by “apaga”, alexa does not understand them, to which he changes to other more phonetic names everything worked.

again thank you, you can close the post