Alexa Skill Item Configuration Thermostat wrong behavior

right now I am a bit struggling with the Amazon Alexa skill and esspecially with the configuration of the thermostat items.
My items look like this:

Group gWohnzimmerThermostat "Heizung Wohnzimmer" ["Thermostat"]
Dimmer HeizungWohnzimmerMitte "Heizkoerper Wohnzimmer Mitte [%.1f °C]" <heating> (AlleTemperaturen) {channel="zwave:device:5668fa7e:node28:switch_dimmer"}
Number HeizungWohnzimmerMitteTemp "Heizkoerper Wohnzimmer [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gWohnzimmerThermostat) [ "CurrentTemperature" ] {channel="zwave:device:5668fa7e:node28:sensor_temperature"}
Number HeizungWohnzimmerMitteSoll "Wohnzimmertemperatur [%.1f °C]" <heating> (gWohnzimmerThermostat) [ "TargetTemperature" ] {channel="zwave:device:5668fa7e:node28:thermostat_setpoint_heating"}

Conversation with Alexa:

Me: Please set the Heizung Wohnzimmer to 18 degrees.
Alexa: Unknown mode is now set to 18 degrees!
Me: What temperature is Heizung Wohnzimmer set?
Alexa: Automatic mode is set to 18 degrees!

Where is my mistake in tagging the items, because I don’t know where Alexa gets that “Automatic mode” or “Unknown mode” from. Why is Alexa not saying my item name “Heizkoerper Wohnzimmer” or “Wohnzimmertemperatur” ?

I use this:

Group                MasterBedroom_Thermostat              "Master Bedroom Thermostat"                                  (MasterBedroom, Thermostats)                                          [ "Thermostat" ]
String               MasterBedroom_ThermostatMode          "Master Bedroom Thermostat Mode"                             (MasterBedroom, MasterBedroom_Thermostat)                             [ "homekit:HeatingCoolingMode" ]
Number:Temperature   MasterBedroom_ThermostatTarget        "Master Bedroom Target Temp [%.1f %unit%]"     <temperature> (MasterBedroom, MasterBedroom_Thermostat, Targets)                    [ "TargetTemperature" ]          { mqtt="<[mybroker:House/MasterBedroom/Thermostat/Target:state:default]" }
Number:Temperature   MasterBedroom_ThermostatAmbientTemp   "Master Bedroom Ambient Temp. [%.1f %unit%]"   <temperature> (MasterBedroom, MasterBedroom_Thermostat, Temperatures, AmbientTemps) [ "CurrentTemperature" ]         { mqtt="<[mybroker:House/MasterBedroom/Thermostat/AmbientTemp:state:default]" }   //{ channel="mysensors:temperature:gateway:temperature_23_1:temp"}
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Thanks @vzorglub: So I tried a lot of strange things now, but the actual solution was your line:

String               MasterBedroom_ThermostatMode          "Master Bedroom Thermostat Mode"                             (MasterBedroom, MasterBedroom_Thermostat)                             [ "homekit:HeatingCoolingMode" ]

What is the point with that line? I am not using this homekit stuff. But obviously not using this line, Alexa tells me that the name of my item is “Automatic mode” or “Unknown Mode”. Very confusing thing.
@digitaldan: I dont know or use the Homekit protocoll, so I dont really understand this line. Maybe you or someone else could help in understanding that line.

I don’t use it either. I know that it makes the Alexa binding work.