I’m using openHAB 3.4.0.M2 - Milestone Build and I’m having the same issue however, I believe it has nothing to do with TV device type. It has to do with using Equipment groups vs traditional groups (non-semantic groups).
For ease of troubleshooting, I use the Alexa web interface instead of the Alexa app:
In my case I’m using Contact Sensors. I have tested this with virtual items as well as real device items. When I configure an alexa-enabled group for the contact sensor via the items file, Alexa discovers only the group and everything works as expected. Here’s the config:
Group contact_sensor "Contact Sensor" {alexa="ContactSensor"}
Switch contact_sensor_state "State" (contact_sensor) {alexa="ContactSensor.ContactDetectionState"}
Number contact_sensor_battery "Battery Level" (contact_sensor) {alexa="ContactSensor.BatteryLevel"}
This is what I see in the Alexa web-interface:
And this is what I see in the group metadata in OH UI:
Notice how the group metadata also displays the Group Endpoint Capabilities.
Using the real contact sensor called “Back Gate” with the same metadata for the equipment group and the items:
Notice how it does not show the Group Endpoint Capabilities.
Then I did another test by creating a non-semantic group and adding the real device items above without changing anything.
Group BackGateSensorAlexa "Test Gate" {alexa="ContactSensor"}
Notice how now it shows the Group Endpoint Capabilities properly.
I also tried creating a non-semantic group from the OH UI and everything works as expected.
Again, this has to do using semantic vs non-semantic groups.