That’s what I was going to aim at if only specific items were affected. Unfortunately, with the new skill, an instant state update is necessary which makes metadata autoupdate=“false” basically not supported currently. If you need to use that parameter, an item sensor can be used to get the proper device state.
So according to the skill logs, I don’t see a proper discovery request/response processed by the skill. This is why your requests aren’t getting processed by the skill. Can you make sure to either click “Discover” at the bottom of your Alexa Smart Home Console devices page or just ask your favorite echo device: Alexa, discover
I’ve done that multiple times today. Just now I again asked her to discover devices, clicked on “discover” in the console, and clicked discover new devices in the iOS app. Nothing has changed. Earlier this morning I also restarted openhab and tried removing the skill and re-authorizing it. Nothing has been successful thus far.
@omatzyo what country/language is your Alexa setup for ?
USA and english.
Great, to help with debugging can you ask Alexa to discover devices and give me the exact time (seconds included) you ask? Helps when looking through the logs. Thanks.
Asked at Wed Aug 14 18:18:54 EDT 2019
Exactly the same for me… asked to discover many times, restarted openHAB, rebooted raspberry ,
tried removing the skill and re-authorizing it.
No way to get skill v3 working…
Language and county : Italian /Italy
Thanks. I see the issue. I just increased the logging. Can you please give it another try so I can see what is happening with your request?
Asked again Wed Aug 14 18:30:05 EDT 2019
I think i see the discovery request terminate with this message:
Task timed out after 10.01 seconds
I wonder how long it is taking for the item request to openhab to complete. @omatzyo how many items does your system have (generally) ? Less than 100? Or is it very large?
I have 2 systems at different houses… One has 121 devices, the other has 78. The larger one runs on a xeon server and has plenty of resources - that’s the one we’re looking at now. Both systems exhibit the same behavior.
EDIT: To be clear less than 100 of those are coming from the openhab skill… there are some wemos, hue lights, nest cams, etc on the network that also show up during discovery.
This is what I am seeing as well. It could be either one of these calls that is taking longer than expected. On a side note, we should probably enforce a shorter timeout window on these requests.,channel,synonyms&recursive=true (please see below)
@omatzyo can you try to access the URLs above via your browser after initially logging successfully to your myopenhab account and let us know if you noticed a delay in response?
@ftarquini just for your information, I noticed the same behavior in the skill logs with your discovery requests. Would you be able to try accessing the same URLs?
The items call listed above has now been changed to resolve the timeout issue. If you would like to determine if you would be still affected by a timeout > 8s, please use the below call instead:
Both links were snappy. The first took 3-5 seconds, the second was instantaneous.
You’re getting a lot more data than just my echo devices though. Just a quick scroll appears to be everything in my items file with all the metadata. Is that what you want?
Yes. There is no options to do complex filtering through the OH rest api. So we get all items and filter at the skill level. The difference between v2 and v3 is that we now request some metadata parameters (alexa, channel & synonyms) and all the groups members recursively. So if you have a lot of groups with a lot members in them, than it would considerably increase the amount of data returned.
Anyway, based on your test, even at 5 seconds, the skill should still have plenty of time to process that call. Would you be able to add the output of the two calls into a pastebin session and send me the url via pm? Trying to determine if this related to the data content.
Thanks for the information. So after initially testing your data without any issues, I realized that the first call I listed above was incorrectly formatted and basically the recursive parameter wasn’t processed.
I updated the URL above. Would you be able to give it another try and provide me with the output if possible? I only care about the first call at this point. Seeing the data you already sent me, I believe you might hit the 10 seconds window this time.
Yeah, that output was much more data. It took about 12-15 seconds to process. I PMed you the data.
Thanks. This confirms the initial assessment. There are no issues processing the data once available. We are looking into resolving this one shortly.