I cannot switch on t.ex HUE bulbs anymore, getting the message:
[INFO ] [ome.core.thing.internal.ThingManager] - Not delegating command 'ON' for item 'Hue_1_Toggle' to handler for channel 'hue:0100:0043821c2b32:5:brightness', because thing is not initialized (must be in status ONLINE or OFFLINE).

The error i recieve in the log during startup is:
[ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-binding-Philips Hue': No matching features for openhab-binding-Philips Hue/0.0.0

In PAPER UI all the THINGS are listed as UNINITIALIZED.

I have thought alot about what i changed around the time it happened. Thats in my mind not severe, i added “mail action extention” and did a few changes in .items and .rules, thats it. I cannot see what causes this major behavior.

Any help in the right direction will be highly appreciated. I can’t live without my OpenHAB :slight_smile:

I installed the newest OH2, and copied all my configuration files to the new installation. I’m all good again.

Have the same issue.
But honestly, don’t want to reinstall again.

I installed OpenHAB Adapter in IOBroker and Network Binding in Obenhab.
But Don’t think this could cause this issue.

Is ther a solution for that?