Alljoyn Binding for OpenHab2

Hi All,
We would like to add binding for Alljoyn (an IOT platform) Based devices.

Alljoyn is a very generic framework with few core services/features, like Notification, Control Panel, Configuration, Onboarding. For accessing/controlling devices Notification and Control panel features based binding is sufficient.

So the plan is to have a generic alljoyn binding for openHab2 or vendor specific binding.

There are few limitations in openHab2 as dynamic channel addition under a thing is not available, which needs to be fixed for this requirement.

Also I would like to understand if anyone has any specific requirement for alljoyn based devices binding.

thanks & regards,
Jayaraj Esvar.

Just a link to the previous discussion for reference:

previous groups Alljoyn discussion

Hi Jayaraj,

Thanks for taking action on this topic!
Thinking about it, I think my main wish would be to move the binding from openHAB 2 to Eclipse SmartHome directly for these reasons:

  • AllJoyn is hyped in the industry, but there are hardly any (none?) end customer devices available right now. The interest of “users” at openHAB 2 is therefore likely lower than for companies that want to integrate their own new AllJoyn-enabled devices.
  • A binding at Eclipse SmartHome has a wider reach as openHAB 2 is only one of the solutions being built on it. As I expect a lot of interest by the industry, there is a better chance to have others join in the implementation efforts.
  • Bindings at Eclipse SmartHome are also meant for being used in commercial products, which might be a relevant topic for you.
  • If new features are required on the Eclipse SmartHome APIs (like “dynamic channel addition”), there is a shorter way to ask for them.

Regarding “dynamic channel addition”, I would suggest to directly start a discussion at I am personally not sure if there is really something missing in the APIs for your use cases, but we can discuss the details there.

OK will open a thread on Eclipse.

thanks & regards,
jayaraj Esvar


any update on this? :smiley:

Didn’t hear much from Jayaraj, but I made some progress:

Wow, looks like it took a lot of time to get this work with openHAB… Actually I was looking for an easy way to integrate an AllPlay speaker into openHAB (similar to the Sonos binding). I wonder why it has to be so difficult…

Generic binding to alljoyn devices are dropped from the plan, only bindings specific for the devices planned to made in future. I don’t have access any alljoyn device till now.

We have made a LED bulb with alljoyn would take at least 4 to 5 months to get the product into market (lack of funds :frowning: ). Busy in making a smart home solution with a cloud solution, I will assign one dedicated resource to smart home ASAP.

@Kai, were you able to use the alljoyn Java binding ( or are there any obstacles using this with openHAB?
Because in your twitter post you mentioned C, JNI and D-Bus, is the Java binding not sufficient?

Well, did you also have a look in this folder?

Kai, it looks really great !

Can you share your code ?
Can I help somehow to continue with that Alljoyn Effort?

I see… :frowning:
I thought it would just be calling some Java methods and all the rest is handled automagically… do you know how many hours you spent until you were able to switch the LIFX light? I wonder if it s worth looking into the audio part of AllJoyn or if it will be too complex…