Alternative weather services?

With WU and now Yahoo both closing their free APIs, are there any others out there to access? Ideally with a binding available for OH2.x?

Best I can tell, there’s openweathermap (in latest builds) and meteoblue (still a work in progress), neither of which support free daily forecasts.

Anybody aware of anything else?

I don’t think I’d seen openweathermap in my build, is that new?


Was included a few days ago.

UK Met office
Free API - Free 5 days forecast with 3 hours splits - Free daily forecast (Hourly splits)
Worldwide (Very accurate in the UK at least - I don]t know about the rest of the world - I someone could check at least for current rweather it would be great - See: Met Office DataPoint - Met Office

The website and next 24 hours in Washington DC from the website:

and Frankfurt

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Dark Sky (formerly known as

  • 1000 API calls free per day
  • current weather including UV Index and Ozone
  • minute-by-minute (max. 60 min), hour-by-hour (48 or 168 hours) and day-by-day (max. one week) forecasts
  • weather alerts in the US, Canada, European Union member nations, and Israel
  • 39 different languages (and the possibility to contribute more translations)

I am working on a binding :wink:, reached nearly 70% implementation progress until first beta version for testing could be published - hopefully in mid of December.


Thanks all, great to hear there’s other options… And even better that there might be some new bindings around!

@cweitkamp Do you have something ready for testing? I have tried openweathermap the last days, great binding but I’m not really happy with the accuracy of the data…especially temperatures for my location.

@michaeljoos Unfortunately not. In general the code is ready but currently I have my reasons for not creating a pull request. Maybe I will find the time to upload it to Eclipse Marketplace in the next couple days.

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I am very excited! Can’t wait to see your solution.

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@cweitkamp Sounds good - any update for the release-timeline? :smiley:

Hi all,

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