Amanda Backup - cannot create file system


I am using a Debian VM, which is running openhabian and i wanted to implement the automated backup solution for a while now.
I read the docs and followed some additional guides and was able to mount my smb share to /media/share (all users can write). The drive is also mounted after reboot.

If i use option 52 to launch the amanda install wizard i get an error but i think that amanda is able to write at the specified smb folder because before i get the error message a folder is created (called slots)

my error message:
Creating Amanda filesystem… host: ‘’ is not in legal name syntax (unexpected end of input)

What does that mean?

Thank you for your help!

If you have really read the official docs you will have seen that to use a Windows SMB share for storage is neither supported nor trying to is recommended. It won’t work well.

Drop your idea to use an SMB share and use a NFS mount instead. Or attach local storage.

Thank you.

ok i will try it another way.
i just want to access a folder of my host (mac mini) from the debian vm.

Keep in mind Amanda backups run automatically so your server has to be there 24/7.

Yes, it is.
It is the same machine virtualbox with debian runs openhab 3.
the mac mini is pretty power efficient (around 15 W) and i can also use it as a file server and for influx / grafana, docker etc.

then just forward some of its local storage to the VM through virtualbox

Thank you. I am on it right now. Just installed the guest additions.
I do not know, why i did not think of this in the first place …

I got it working now.

But also only the dirty way with cifs as described here:

I had the same issue (symlinks it seems).
I tried the mfsymlink parameter trying to connect with the virtualbox functions but it crashed my startup completely and i had to undo it in recovery:

/etc/fstab looks like:

openhabian /media/share    vboxsf   uid=1000,gid=1000  0     0

this shows me the files and i am able to write but amanda-setup is not completing. only the folder is created. probably the symlink problem.

your code goes here

when i try to add mfsymlinks like that:

openhabian /media/share    vboxsf    mfsymlinks,uid=1000,gid=1000  0     0

it crashed my startup completely.

the working solution is:

// /media/share cifs vers=3.0,mfsymlinks,noauto,x-systemd.automount,_netdev,credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777  0	0


i have an amanda-archive now at the specified destination.
is there a way i can verify that the content is ok?

The archive is only 94 kb in size.

Thank you

That’s a broken statement as there is no such thing as a single “amanda-archive” file.

No. (well with 100K don’t bother means it’s empty)
Follow the openhabian Amanda documentation to restore your box to validate it’s working.

And new topic new thread please.

Ok i will try, thank you.
I did not recognize the “slots” folder.
The amanda-backups folder is 240 kb and the slots folder 93 MB.
Looking good.