Amazon Echo Control : Always have to login after restart

Any time I restart OH it looks like the Amazon Echo Control stops working and the logs say I need to check my credentials and try log in… If I do that then it works till the next restart.

Is there anything that can be done to fix this?

I think you need to marry Alexa… But she’s a bit coy these days :laughing:

Not sure if this is related but this seems to be written to the log when I enter the credentials again and save.

2018-10-20 07:55:39.095 [ERROR] [] - Error writing JsonDB to C:\OPENHA~2\userdata\jsondb\amazonechocontrol:account:account1.json. Cause C:\OPENHA~2\userdata\jsondb\amazonechocontrol:account:account1.json (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect).

That look like a bug. Report it on gitHub