Amazon echo control - Lastvoicecommand channel not working anymore?

Did I miss something or is the last voice command of the echo control binding not working anymore?
I did apt-update/upgrade, reinstalled the binding and everything is working except the last voice channels…
Thanks for any answers

Still working fine here:

2019-03-06 14:09:07.613 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Alexa_WZ_LastVoiceCommand changed from alexa to fernseher an

String Alexa_WZ_LastVoiceCommand {channel="amazonechocontrol:echo:account1:YXYXYXYXYXYXYX:lastVoiceCommand"}

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Thanks for helping, got it running again!
Will delete this post

Hey. Could you tell me what the issue was?
I am now having trouble getting it working. Thanks!