Amazon Echo Control - lastVoiceCommand not receiving updates

Hi all,
Sorry if this is not the right place but there is a lot a threads regarding echocontrol addon.
I am lost and very confused about this addon.
First, I am using OH stable 4.2.2, so I obviously installed the embedded addon with 4.2.2 version.
The plugin was OK except the feature of “lastVoiceCommand” which is by far the most powerfull command that I want to. I read in another thread that this feature is not implemented in native addon.
OK, I removed it and installed the smarthome/J version (which is 4.2.0).
Now the “lastVoiceCommand” is OK, but I have lot of warn logs every 5 minutes (too many requests… see another thread) and the addon does not detect smarthome devices anymore and therefore the temperature, which is the second feature I want to.
Is it actualy true to say that :

  1. the native plugin does not implement lastVoiceCommand ? (or I am wrong ?)
  2. the smarthome/j version has “too many request” behavior and no smarthome device (temperature) ? (or I am wrong ?)

Many thanks

probably others could answer this better but as long as they don’t jump in here’s my view:

not quite right. It is implemented but Amazon stopped updating it (until recently).
The smarthomeJ binding is the newer version that provides the feature to update lastCommand manually by triggering the refresh channel.

I don’t see this behavior. For me it works without problems. Do you keep triggering the refresh-channel?

And now the strange part: In my case the lastCommand works again without the refresh-channel being triggered. But there is a delay of a few seconds, so it’s not ideal for immediate responses by an echo speaker. That’s why I still use the trigger channel.

I don’t see this behavior. For me it works without problems. Do you keep triggering the refresh-channel?

I guess not all users have this problem, but it is real and unfxed yet (Amazon Echo Control Binding - Too many requests · Issue #596 · smarthomej/addons · GitHub) perhaps number and/or type of amazon devices ? And yes, I am using the refreshActivity channel (works fine with smarthomeJ version)

Did someone achieve to instanciate and use “smartHomeDevice” type also ?
I canot discover anything for months and need them to check “temperature” channel of my echo dots.

I can no longer find the SmartHome/J Amazon Echo Control Binding (beta) binding, is this now the latest one that should be used with the refresh channel?

With this and the refresh activity, there is 10 second delay. I don’t think it was this long earlier (just updated to OH 4.2.2). It might be just me, though :slight_smile:

Correct, 4.2.0 is the latest release.