Amazon Polly TTS voice service

Today @hillmanr’s Polly TTS add-on got merged!
It’s part of 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT build 1548. :partying_face:

Hi! I fisrt time install Poly tts.
He is active: 233 ? Active ? 80 ? ? Polly Text-to-Speech
I config it with my Amazon credentials using PaperUI and it seems work correctly.
i try to hear some sound using

openhab> smarthome:voice say test

. but i dont hear any sound from OH.
The part of log:

19:49:32.756 [DEBUG] [ernal.handler.SqueezeBoxServerHandler] - Sending command: players 0
19:49:36.092 [DEBUG] [ice.pollytts.internal.PollyTTSService] - Synthesize 'test ' in format AudioFormat [codec=MP3, container=NONE, bitDepth=16, bitRate=64000, frequency=22050]
19:49:36.105 [DEBUG] [ice.pollytts.internal.PollyTTSService] - voice UID: 'pollytts:Tatyana' voice label: 'Tatyana' voice Locale: ru_RU
19:49:36.119 [DEBUG] [rnal.cloudapi.CachedPollyTTSCloudImpl] - PollyTTS cache cleaner lastdelete 7188597
19:49:36.125 [DEBUG] [ice.pollytts.internal.PollyTTSService] - Audio Stream for 'test' in format AudioFormat [codec=MP3, container=NONE, bitDepth=16, bitRate=64000, frequency=22050]
19:49:36.134 [DEBUG] [ueezebox.internal.SqueezeBoxAudioSink] - Processing audioStream of format AudioFormat [codec=MP3, container=NONE, bitDepth=16, bitRate=64000, frequency=22050]
19:49:36.140 [DEBUG] [ernal.handler.SqueezeBoxPlayerHandler] - Play notification sound on player 00:00:00:00:00:06 at URI
19:49:36.147 [DEBUG] [nternal.handler.SqueezeBoxPlayerState] - Cur State: vol=36, mut=NOT MUTED, pwr=ON, stp=STOPPED, ctl=PAUSED, shf=OFF, rpt=PLAYLIST, tix=0, tnm=1, tim=0
19:49:36.153 [DEBUG] [.handler.SqueezeBoxNotificationPlayer] - Setting up player for notification
19:49:36.159 [DEBUG] [.handler.SqueezeBoxNotificationPlayer] - Turning off repeat
19:49:36.165 [DEBUG] [ernal.handler.SqueezeBoxServerHandler] - Sending command: 00:00:00:00:00:06 playlist repeat 0
19:49:36.190 [DEBUG] [.handler.SqueezeBoxNotificationPlayer] - Adding notification message to playlist
19:49:36.200 [DEBUG] [ernal.handler.SqueezeBoxServerHandler] - Sending command: 00:00:00:00:00:06 playlist add Notification
19:49:36.614 [DEBUG] [.handler.SqueezeBoxNotificationPlayer] - Playlist updated
19:49:36.627 [DEBUG] [.handler.SqueezeBoxNotificationPlayer] - Playing notification
19:49:36.634 [DEBUG] [ernal.handler.SqueezeBoxServerHandler] - Sending command: 00:00:00:00:00:06 playlist index 1

where i can find the generated sound from Amazon to test it on another device.

where i run: smarthome:audio play doorbell.mp3
i hear sound from OpenHAB.

but when i play another test file from OH
smarthome:audio play barking.mp3
there are no sound. May be problems in audio formats? How i can change default sample rate from Amazon synthesys files? I use OH 2.5.0 m1 and latest version of binding

Has anyone had a problem with more recent versions of specific voices not working? For example, I use the “Brian” voice. I’ve had to back out to the 2.3.0 version so that it works. Otherwise I get an error along the lines of “can’t find that specific voice”. It seems like it connects properly otherwise.