AmazonEchoControl Binding following doNotDisturb Switch with TTS Commands

Hey @J-N-K,

I just upgraded to your 3.2.14 version of org.smarthomej.binding.amazonechocontrol which includes the new switch channel (doNotDisturb).

My question is, does TTS channels follow the doNotDisturb switch or do I have to check the switch myself before using the TTS channel?

Best, Jay

I have no idea :slight_smile: Maybe you can try and find out and we add that to the docs afterwards.

I do know prior to me upgrading to binding version with the doNotDisturb switch channel, the binding sent the TTS and it spoke even though it was set to Do Not Disturb on the Echo Device itself.

I’m assuming your binding is NOT looking at the doNotDisturb channel status before allowing a TTS command?

Best, Jay