Analyzer for custom items

Hi Wolf, welcome to the forums!

This is an obscure, but known, limitation at the moment. The expression parser, the piece of the UI that lets you use dynamic code in the widgets, doesn’t work for yaml arrays (any part of the yaml where lines start with a - ).

The solution is to bypass the yaml array syntax, and just set the actionAnalyzerItems property to an array directly using an expression. Because the expression parser is based on javascript, an array is a comma-separated list of values between [ and ]. Since you’ve only got one value at the moment that you want, it’s a fairly simple expression:

actionAnalyzerItems: =[props.your-variable-name-here]

If you ever want more than one dynamic item in an analyzer, then just put commas between them:

actionAnalyzerItems: =[props.your-variable-name-here, props.other-variable]

If you want to add a static item name to the list it has to be a string of the item name (i.e., between quotes):

actionAnalyzerItems: =[props.your-variable-name-here, props.other-variable, "actual_name_of_Item"]
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