Android Notifications Binding: Support for multiple methods to send Video, Images and Text to Android TV, Fire TV or Sheild TV

Good point which is why The app and binding have a Chanel called pixelShift that will move them around to offset the burnin. I also plan on being able to clear them when/if the task has been done. Just a way to remind people of tasks that need to be done when they sit down to watch TV at the end of the day.

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New build, see first post for what changed.

I was finding that there is a delay of a second whilst the message is sent to the TV, then the snapshot is fetched from the camera. These new feature can downloads the snapshot a second earlier and the TV shows the movement in the picture as the download happens in the binding back on your openHAB server before the message gets sent.

New build now has online offline detection and will auto resend any fixed notifications that were missed when your TV was offline (configurable) as well as the removal of the notifications from this queue works when offline. Makes rules much more simple to implement.

My TV only sleeps when turned off, so the app never goes offline, so I had to emulate it by pulling the network connection.

Using a Fire TV, i am unable to set a LargeIcon, SmallIcon or duration. Sometimes i have lager texts, which are not displayed long enough. I am using actions for this, but anything other than

sendText(String messageID, @Nullable String title, String message)


With which app? only tv Overlay has full support, the rest is still in development.

Notifications for FireTV. Since the other app is not available on Fire TVs.

A duration parameter is kinda essential for me. Icons would be nice to have, but not as important at the moment.

Hello matt1,
I have a Fire TV cube and am looking for a way to send messages to the device. You have exactly what I am looking for. Thanks for sharing.
It would be coll, if this functionality would be official integrated in openHUB.

  1. I can install the binding, and it is working, but see error message below.
  2. Because “TvOverlay” is not being developed further and I can no longer get it to run on the FireTV. It works with “Android TV Notifications” and “Fire TV Notifications” (both from Christian Fees) installed on FireTV cube. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

My OH version: openHAB 4.2.0.M1

No problems glad its working and that your finding it useful before development has completed. I will submit it to be merged after development is either complete or at a point where I can throw away experimental code. At the moment as you know I do not have images/icons working and duration changes and I have code that I am trying to get going but it is slow work that requires large chunks of time to make progress on.

Yes I have fixed this but can not make a build at the moment and test it. The error will only affect discovery and not the operation, so just add stuff manually.

Are you sure? What is your source of this and do you mean pipUp instead? It may work if you sideload it, but I do not know for sure and dont recommend you sideload unless your knowledge is enough to fault find and solve issues. Someone did mention they were using TvOverlay on the firetv here in the forum and I am guessing they side loaded the app to get it going.