AndroidTV Binding [3.2.0;4.2.0)

I’ve pushed an updated version (012d855) to the main thread. There are no major changes here, but it does make several behind the scenes improvements to the code now that we’ve gone through a few review cycles. This brings the marketplace up to the same version as the PR. Unless there are any additional changes requested, this should be the code that is merged into 4.0.0 for the upcoming release. Please let me know if there are any new bugs/issues with this drop so we can get them resolved before the 4.0.0 release. Thanks!

Congrats on the binding getting merged!!

As the openHAB 4.0 version is merged, it should be removed from Marketplace.

Thank you @mhilbush!

This thread covers the 3.x userbase as well as the 4.x userbase. I release a single jar file to make it easier for the community to track. Pulling this off the marketplace would cause issues for them.
Eventually I will stop supporting the 3.x releases, but as 4.0.0 isn’t generally released yet I’ll likely continue the 3.x support until the end of 2023. Also, I’ll be dropping some beta features in here very soon (there is already a PR open for upgrading the bouncycastle library - likely going to drop a jar in the next day or two for that).

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Ok, if publishing 4.0 beta versions, this is ok. Otherwise just remove the 4.0.0 version from the title.

Ask and yee shall receive.

I’ve pushed the first 4.0 beta to the main thread (c1873ce). This updates the crypto library (bouncycastle) to a much newer version than we were using.

[androidtv] Updates BouncyCastle to jdk18on and 1.75 by morph166955 · Pull Request #15140 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub has been submitted to add this to the 4.0.0 release, but I’d like to do some community regression testing since it impacts a significant portion of the code.

Please report any issues. Thanks!

EDIT: Just for those wondering, the next two features I’m working on (which I’ll drop in beta first):

One last note, as the binding is now merged into the main codebase, if you are having a problem please file it as an issue on github. Tracking through this thread looking for log outputs is somewhat cumbersome and I’m sure I’ve lost someone in the mix at this point. This will help me keep track of what’s going on and make sure fixes get in place. The one caveat, if the issue you are having is specific to a new/beta feature, which is not yet merged, please post here. Thanks!


I’ve pushed version 1.02 (d1cc1c7) to the main thread. This update adds the CLI interpreter to the binding. This can be especially useful for the pin process. Rather than configure an item just for the pin, you can send the command directly. Example:

openhab> openhab:androidtv androidtv:googletv:theater pincode REQUEST
openhab> openhab:androidtv androidtv:googletv:theater pincode abc123

Also, you can use this to test the device directly (power, keypress, keycode, etc).

To note, it ONLY works for String channels.

Last spam for today, I promise.

4.0.0 SNAPSHOT #3513 now includes AndroidTV for those wanting to move off of the marketplace builds.

Thanks again to all who have helped get this down the road for the last 6 months! Greatly appreciated!

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This is a great binding, good work!

Sorry, 3.4.4 binding crashed some days ago, but it was an older
version. I uninstalled it. Tried to install it from marketplace again
hoping for a newer version. But it can’t be installed again. Installation failed…Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

after an openhab-cli clean-cache I could install it again. And it
seems to work as well :grinning:

I’ve uploaded an update that includes all of the recent merged and pending PRs. I did have a report that the last version didn’t work on 3.x, if someone on 3.x can confirm that this new version (01b82f7) works on a 3.x install (and which 3.x) that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

since the philipstv binding isn’t working for me anymore, im trying this one, but i cannot get the pin process started, through cli nothing happens, and when sending the REQUEST through the pincode channel with a rule, the channel gets updated, but the process isn’t started.
am i missing something?
running OH4.0.0M4 and android tv 8 on a Philips 55OLED803.

First thing I always suggest is to test with your phone. Can you connect successfully with the GoogleTV app?

I’ve dropped an update onto the main thread (d23b28a). This includes everything I’m hoping will make it into 4.0.0 release. It’s all of the current pending PRs and bug fixes.

If any of the addons maintainers are watching, I would greatly appreciate if you could do a quick pass over the 4 pending PRs, they are short and I’d really like to get them in so the 4.0.0 code is as clean as possible, thanks!

Could you help me to find READEME file. The link from doc doesn’t work. I’m especially interested in Google Keycodes. Could you help me to find the Keycodes, please?

Try the link now. I forgot to change it after we merged in.

Now it works. Thanks.

With 4.0.0 imminently on the horizon I wanted to provide a bit of a roadmap for those using this binding. My plan for now is to continue to support 3.2+ until 4.1.0 is released which I assume to be near December if we keep to the normal timelines. At that time I will discontinue the 3.x support. That said, there may be some breaking features that get implemented as part of the path through 4.1.0 which could derail that, specifically when the CryptoStore PR is merged into the core as I’ll be updating the binding to use that. I’m not sure if that will get merged early in the 4.1.0 path or near the end. If/when that happens, I will likely do a final stable 3.x & 4.0.0 release here, and then recommend beta users to use the 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT for newer features.

There has also been discussions above about supporting additional platforms/protocols. It is my hope to look at both Sony and Phillips as part of the next big features. There are several features that we can’t access through the GoogleTV protocol that are exposed by the vendor protocols. It am NOT looking to pull in the entire protocol stack for each, only the missing pieces. If there are other vendors who produce AndroidTV based devices please let me know so I can put them on the roadmap as well. To note, I am NOT looking to duplicate efforts against any existing merged bindings here. Sony and Phillips are not merged in currently, and there are no PRs to do so either.

Lastly, I am still looking into what else we can do through the GoogleTV protocol as that should in theory impact all of the platforms. Volume and app controls are the two I hope to hit first. Unfortunately, the existing app doesn’t implement them so I have nothing to base from. It’s mostly a try/fail/repeat until I stumble on them. When I get some time to go hammer at my shield I’ll see what I get back. If anyone wants to volunteer to give it a try please let me know and I can show you how to use some of the developer commands to test.

Thank you all!