Hi and happy new year.
I have a problem and I am not able to find a solution.
My configuration is the following:
Dokker container
Openhab 4.3
I migrated to a new NAS from TVS 663 to TVS674. Everything an every container was migrated without any problems. Except Openhab.
Openhab is runnng ok for 96 percent. But everything which must have API access is offline.
Miele binding is the best example. I tried to reinstall the binding I deleted the bridge and build a new one. I get new credentials from the MIele developer site etc etc. But bridge could not connect.
I have no idea where to look up to bring it to live again.
Attached some logs from openhab, maybe someone from you have an idea how to solve the problem:
many thanks in advance & brgds