[Half Solved] Aqara Xiaomi Gateway Homekit Version connect to OpenHAB

Hello guys,

did someone of u connect the Aqara Gateway to OpenHab? The Way with about in the mi Home App doesn‘t work. Look at the Picture. The First strugle with binding it to the mi Home App is fixed. But for this Problem i found mi Solution.

For the old Gateway ist solved with the Developer Mode. But i Cano activ it.

Please help

It seems that the new version of this Mi Home App does not have the option to enable Developer mode (or no-one has found it yet) :slight_smile:

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Looks like. I hope someone will find this out… i work with Homekit but the possibilitys with Openhab is endless. I wrote the Aqara Support, waiting für there answer.

Info found from here: New Aqara gateway that works with Homekit compatibility

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lets hope that this is not on purpse
i was wanting to go in the aqra eco system , but i see to many therds about new version not comptbile with OH

also the new camera that serve as a gateway is not supprted …

Haven’t found that.thx for that :slight_smile: hope they will do it.

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Any news on this? Does this new hub work?
OpenHab mentions v3 hub – so is is supported or not?

Sadly it doesnt work jet. Try to inform them there that you also wann this Funktion. https://community.aqara.com/forum/faq-1/topic/how-to-connect-the-aqara-hub-to-the-network-78

Hey guys for all of you who can german here a tutorial for the key.


is there a way to integrate the gateway with the key, or not without enable local network (lan protokoll) at the gateway?

I tried, it is working with the Xiaomi Mi IO Binding, but the binding not supported the HUB. The OpenHAB shows the hub online but nothing more.

That the Problem but its connect able. Someone must now make a Binding for it.

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Now after a half year, I have an other solution: Zigbee2Mqtt. I just buy a CC2531 Zigbee Stick like this one : https://de.banggood.com/Wireless-Zigbee-CC2531-Sniffer-Bare-Board-Packet-Protocol-Analyzer-Module-USB-Interface-Dongle-p-1227206.html?gmcCountry=DE&currency=EUR&createTmp=1&network=g&pl=1&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cpc_bgcs&utm_content=frank&utm_campaign=pla-deg-all-pc&gclid=CjwKCAjw1_PqBRBIEiwA71rmtc2n6OA6B7fUKmR9LTtOM2XppN0d81agCRXKhFtRLO9Ta6IsBDWW4xoCdIUQAvD_BwE&cur_warehouse=CN

With a CC debugger + USB connector you can flash this stick (Tutorial: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/getting_started/flashing_the_cc2531.html)
And then you can install it with this Tutorial: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/getting_started/running_zigbee2mqtt.html

After that you can use aqara devices with openhab over mqtt. For questions ask me.

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I was using this solutions also quite a while. Nevertheless it was quite unstable, especially if I reboot openhab I had to push the button of the aqara device again. In addition after a while it stopped working anyhow and I had to repair it. Do you have similar experiences or even a solution?

Hey, i have read befor from this Problems, but mine work Fine. Each day openHAB reboot and all reconneced well. So i cant give you a Good advice.

Hi! I also found this solution, and I’m considering to apply it. So, I would like to know if I made Zigbee2Mhtt, would it be possible to connect the gateway to it? I mean, is it possible to use both systems AH and Xiomi Home at the same time?

I tought both dont work. Zigbee devices can only connect to once.