I did not file issues yet but implemented a pretty accurate calculation for power consumptions in a JS rule. This could be a nice gimmick for openHAB core and the rule API (JS and DSL). Input is an Item with a series of power consumptions. It will calculate the Riemann Sum with Midpoint strategy.
const calcRiemannSumMidpoint = function(item) {
const PersistenceExtensions = Java.type('org.openhab.core.persistence.extensions.PersistenceExtensions');
const Duration = Java.type('java.time.Duration');
const ZonedDateTime = Java.type('java.time.ZonedDateTime');
const LocalTime = Java.type('java.time.LocalTime');
const midnight = ZonedDateTime.now().with(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT);
const now = ZonedDateTime.now();
const states = PersistenceExtensions.getAllStatesBetween(items.getItem(item).rawItem, midnight, now);
if (states.size() === 0) {
return 0;
let dtPrev = Duration.between(midnight, states[0].getTimestamp()).toNanos() / 3600000000000;
let dtNext = Duration.between(states[states.size() - 1].getTimestamp(), now).toNanos() / 3600000000000;
let sum = 0;
for (index = 0; index < states.size(); index++) {
const curr = states[index];
const prev = states[index - 1];
const next = states[index + 1];
if (prev) {
dtPrev = Duration.between(prev.getTimestamp(), curr.getTimestamp()).toNanos() / 3600000000000 / 2;
if (next) {
dtNext = Duration.between(curr.getTimestamp(), next.getTimestamp()).toNanos() / 3600000000000 / 2;
sum += (dtPrev * curr.getState().floatValue()) + (dtNext * curr.getState().floatValue());
return sum;