Array of Timers / Dynamically Instantiated Timers based on triggeringItem name

As @JJ_Reynolds links to, use a Map, not a List. You can use the name of the Item related to the Timer as the key.

On JS Scripting, my Announcing the initial release of openhab_rules_tools (installable through openHABian) has a utility called TimerManager which handles the management of multiple timers for you. In a UI rule it would look something like:

var {timerMgr} = require('openhab_rules_tools');

var timerMgr = privateCache.get('timerMgr', () => new timerMgr.TimerMgr());

var vLightName = event.itemName.split("_").get(1);
timerMgr.check(vLightName, 'PT1M', () => {'timer ran'); }, false, null, ruleUID+'_'+vLightName);

When check is called, if a timer doesn’t exist it creates one. The arguments are:

  • key: unique identifier for the Timer, usually best to use an Item name
  • timeout: anything supported by time.toZDT(), in this case it’s an ISO8601 Duration string for one minute
  • function: the function to call when the timer expires.
  • reschedule: when true, if the timer already exists it will be rescheduled using the timeout
  • flapping function: an optional function to call if check is called and the timer already exists
  • name: a name you can give to the timer so if there is an error in the timer function, you can identify what timer it came from