No, I do not have the logreader binding installed. Currently I have only the following add-ons:
Astro Binding
HarmonyHub Binding
KNX Binding
Samsung TV Binding
InfluxDB (v 1.0) Persistence
Basic UI
Classic UI
Dashboard UI
Home Builder
Paper UI
Looking at the Bug Report you referenced and using the threads --locks --monitors
console command mentioned therein I found a suspiciously large number of HarmonyDiscoveryServer
threads in a blocked state (about 50 threads)
"HarmonyDiscoveryServer(tcp/46399)" Id=1469 in BLOCKED on lock=org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery.internal.DiscoveryServiceRegistryImpl@1a73a3c
owned by upnp-main-134 Id=1294
upnp-main-134 was also blocked by a lock from ESH-httpclient-samtungtv
"upnp-main-134" Id=1294 in BLOCKED on lock=java.lang.Object@8d988t
owned by ESH-httpClient-samtungtv-316 Id=316
The samtung-316 thread was waiting for something…
"ESH-httpClient-samtungtv-316" Id=316 in WAITING on lock=java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch$Sync@1bc7200
Not sure if this is the cause of my problem, but will remove the HarmonyHub and SamsungTV bindings to see if this helps. This might take a while to check…