Astro binding is very unreliable

go to console and type bundle:list and see the version of astro binding.


Here is a short update. Since my last post I had no more outages. I will now reduce the reboot schedule from three times to once a week and continue testing.

What I have done:

  1. Correction of the things-config as described above
  2. I additionally removed astro binding from addons.cfg and added it later (reinstall astro)

not sure about that one. If it is an SD error, maybe some faulty info might be copied, but if it would be a write process, that should be soon corrected.
Say something doesnā€™t work well coz the location that it writes to is corruptedā€¦but when the card is copied to a new card, it should be OK

The problem is OH is constantly writing things to disk: JSONDB, cache, etc. Other parts of the system are too. The continued correct operation of OH and the system depends on those files being written out correctly. Many of these files are temporary or cached and if they donā€™t exist on the system will be recreated. But when the SD card fails because it wore out, you cannot trust that those file writes occurred or occurred completely leaving the files incomplete or otherwise corrupted.

It is far better to let the system recreate those files that it can recreate and review those files you edit for corruption in the first place. Otherwise you risk the new system not working because of corruptions in those files and you will end up needing to start with a fresh install anyway.

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Unfortunately, I have now again the same problems as before the adaptationsā€¦ It all seems to work fine, but after about 30-48 hours without reboot, the [vent.ChannelTriggeredEvent] only works sporadically. If I do a reboot every day - I have no problemsā€¦
I still refuse to believe itā€™s a hardware issue. Finally, after reinstalling the astro-binding, I had no bugs for a few weeks, and besides, it only affects the astro-binding - or I just notice only this?!

Do you have any Thread::sleep or other long timing commands (e.g. executeCommandLine, sendHttpGetRequest, etc)?