Astro in OH2

I suspect something strange is going on with my system.

I noticed that yesterday every time I changed the .things file it would create an log entry.

I noticed just now that was not happening and the value in the offset for astro:sun:myastrothing range event was not updating.

I also noticed that several config values for some dimmers had reverted to old values.

I rebooted the OH pi and now the latest value for the offset is there…but, the dimmer config values are still the old values. But, that’s a different issue…I think.

You may need to clear you cache and temp files. Dont delete the file, just everything in them. Here’s a command you can run that will take care of it.

sudo service openhab2 stop && sudo rm -rf /var/lib/openhab2/cache/* && sudo rm -rf /var/lib/openhab2/tmp/* && sudo reboot

Are you referring to the things not updating, the zwave config values, or both?

All of the above. If your openhab starts to act weird or you see strange logs this usually takes care of it. If troubleshoot an issue this is sometimes a must.