Astrobinding throws an NullPointer error

Because the latest snapshot includes the latest Eclipse SmartHome stable build. It’s triggered manually when needed and deemed to be safe.

Here you can check when that was and what is included:

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The fix is now in the actual snapshot.

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Good news!
just updated to openHAB 2.1.0 Build #925 and no more Error messages:

2017-05-24 17:51:55.915 [INFO ] [ding.astro.handler.AstroThingHandler] - Scheduled astro job-daily-sun at midnight for thing astro:sun:local
2017-05-24 17:51:56.276 [INFO ] [.astro.internal.job.AbstractDailyJob] - Scheduled astro event-jobs for thing astro:sun:local

Until the next sun event that should fire - Knock on wood :wink:

EDIT: events that have been AWOL are back&firing again:

2017-05-24 20:43:00.027 [ChannelTriggeredEvent     ] - astro:sun:local:daylight#event triggered END

Hi I just upgraded to #927 but still gets NPE from Astrobinding.

Check via karaf and bundle:list which exact version of the astro binding you have active.
Since versioin the error should have gone …

20170426 is my date for Astro binding I guess there’s a way of upgrading via karaf?

feature:install openhab-binding-astro should upgrade it … or uninstall via PaperUI and install it again.

Didn’t help and uninstall via paper ui and reinstall doesn’t help either is trehre some special way for windows users or is it snapshot repository not up to date with astro binding.

It was tricky go get the add-ons to update, when config was restored from
old setup. I dropped the add-on packet file from the snapshot build site
into the add-ons folder, and that seem to have done the trick.

It seems like I’m no getting there downloaded an new .kar file put that one into /addons unistalled astrobinding and installed it but no success. Maybe I’m doing sometrhing wrong, didn’t download those in git hub where it sais astro binding didn’t run I huess that only means that no compilation was done

If you want to use the .kar file you need to download the snapshot:

But please be aware that ALL your bindings are then snapshot bindings …

Edit: I’m not sure if the astro binding is included because that binding has been moved to Eclipse …

You where right no Astro binding in the snapshot kar file. Where could I find a good kar file to get this issue solwed?

I have absolutely no idea. With all the recent changes to the location of the builds I lost track …
I doubt that any .kar file will include the astro binding.
And I was not able to find yet the location of precompiled jars at Eclipse … sorry.

Finally I’ve made it but in a real uggly way, set up a stand alone installation fpr #927 and installed astro binding then I’ve had 0526 version of binding, deleted astrobinding that where hosted from openhab in my normal installation. Then copied 0526 version into C:\openhab-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT\userdata\tmp\mvn\org\eclipse\smarthome\binding unistalled.

The I started the bormal installation uninstalled binding via paper ui and the installed and finally I had 0526 running.

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