Australian Bureau of Meteorology integration with OpenHAB

I did.

I think the crux of the issue is my XML file is wrong…How did you find the right one for you? Im just after Sydney

urlBase = ''
url = ''

def setFWOItem(BOMName,OpenHABName,day,nodeType):
        value = tree.xpath("//forecast/area[@aac='NSW_PT131']/forecast-period[@index='" + day + "']/" + nodeType + "[@type='" + BOMName + "']/text()")[0]
        OpenHABName = OpenHABName + "_" + day
        value = value.rstrip('.')
        print("    " + OpenHABName + "=" + value)
        value = urllib.parse.quote_plus(value, safe='', encoding=None, errors=None)
        rawPage = urllib.request.urlopen(urlBase + OpenHABName + '=' + value)
 except IndexError:
        print("    Error with " + BOMName + "::" + nodeType + "::" + day)

def setFWODateItem(BOMName,OpenHABName,day):
        value = tree.xpath("//forecast/area[@aac='NSW_PT131']/forecast-period[@index='" + day + "']/@" + BOMName)[0]
        OpenHABName = OpenHABName + "_" + day
        print(" date?   " + OpenHABName + "=" + value)
        value = urllib.parse.quote_plus(value, safe='', encoding=None, errors=None)
        rawPage = urllib.request.urlopen(urlBase + OpenHABName + '=' + value)
        print("    Error with " + BOMName + "::" + day)


EDIT: Found my issue, urlBase was wrong.

Its updating most things now.

Most of the remaining in that widget are from my weather station and other bindings (UV, Air Quality etc).

Glad you got it going!

yep, i can see the WSXXX items, Ill have to tweak that and work out why my icons dont load

I created the folders under HTML with the icons, im trying to use ‘colourful’

mine are in a subfolder so make sure you’ve got the uri correct:

<div ng-init="ServerPath='//'; IconSet='underground'">

<img width="100" src="{{ServerPath}}/images/{{IconSet}}/{{itemValue('CommonId').replace(' ','-') | lowercase }}.png"/>

I have this:

kris@openhab2:/etc/openhab2/html/images/colorful$ ls
blowing-snow.png  freezing-drizzle.png     partly-cloudy-day.png    scattered-thunder.png         snow-showers.png   wind.png
clear-night.png   freezing-rain.png        partly-cloudy-night.png  scattered-thundershowers.png  storm.png
cloudy.png        hot.png                  rain-and-sleet.png       sleet.png                     sunny.png
dust.png          light-snow.png           rain-and-snow.png        snow-and-sleet.png            thunder.png
few-showers.png   mostly-cloudy-day.png    rain.png                 snow-flurries.png             thundershower.png
fog.png           mostly-cloudy-night.png  scattered-showers.png    snow.png                      unknown.png
kris@openhab2:/etc/openhab2/html/images/colorful$ pwd

<div ng-init="ServerPath='//'; IconSet=colorful'">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ServerPath}}/layouts/example.css" />

Have you put the /images/ somewhere in the code?

That folder needs to be either in the ServerPath or the code for each image…

Im using your code, its exactly the same. The images above you can see are under my openhab2 directory…

EDIT: Do you have the same icon names?

I mean that my code has /images/ in the img src. Have you still got that as well?

<img width=“100” src="{{ServerPath}}/images/{{IconSet}}/{{itemValue(‘CommonId’).replace(’ ‘,’-’) | lowercase }}.png"/>

I need images.

Heres my path


add it in the ServerPath and you should be right:

<div ng-init="ServerPath='//'; IconSet=colorful'">

edit - these are my images:

chanceflurries.png  cloudy.png       mostly-cloudy-day.png  sleet.png
chancesleet.png     few-showers.png  mostly-sunny.png       snow.png
chancesnow.png      flurries.png     partly-cloudy-day.png  sunny.png
chancetstorms.png   fog.png          partly-sunny-day.png   tstorms.png
clear.png           hazy.png         rain.png               unknown.png

Yep, basically the same as mine. Its my path thats wrong!

Can you show me your server directory? using pwd or linux or dir on windows?

<div ng-init="ServerPath='//'; IconSet=colorful'">

Ive got exactly that, still the same issue.

Are you logging in locally or via myopenhab?

Locally…Do you have your images under openhab2/html/images ?

My openhab running on a synology server, so folder structure a little different…

But mine are in /openhab/static/images/underground/

Edit: was missing a ’

Now at least I see broken icons :stuck_out_tongue: getting there…

I can see its referencing:

So, the issue relates to the Condition0, ive no idea where this is coming from given there are no items in your file or it. You must have more items not shown?

I think ‘Condition’ is coming from the Weather binding and weather underground data.
I haven’t got around to transitioning that one to BOM data… You could just change the python script to assign something from the xml file to that item.