Autelis 2.0 Binding vs 1.9.0

The basic binding works, but the advanced stuff like variable speed pumps and chem.chlrp don’t look like they are supported, should I just use the 1.9.0 binding in openHAB 2.0?

From a general perspective, there is nothing wrong with using 1.9 version bindings instead of the 2.0 bindings. Unlike the core, most of the 1.9 version bindings are also receiving updates.

I ran this way with Astro and zwave for awhile and it worked just fine.

Got ya, why do some 2.0 and 1.9 bindings show up in paper like for zwave
and others like Autelis only show 2.0 bindings even tho there also is a 1.9.

It might be the 1.9 version of the binding ha not yet been tested and proven to work so hasn’t been included as part of the distro yet.

Give your other thread on this topic I’m wondering if there is a problem with the 1.9 version binding on OH 2 right now…