averageSince(now.minusMinutes(120) not working


i want to read an averaga temperature over 20 minutes to initiate the climate to go on or off.I did a lot of research but unsuccessful.

I have the following item config:

Number Temperature_DG_Studio	"Temperatur DG Studio [%.1f °C]"	<temperature>	(Temperature)	{knx=" 12/3/1 "}
Number Temperature_DG_Studio_AV	"Temperatur AVG DG Studio [%.1f °C]" <temperature>	(TempAV)

and entry into rrd4j.persist

Strategies {
	// for rrd charts, we need a cron strategy
	everyMinute : "0 5 * * * ?"

	everyMinutePV : "0 1 * * * ?"	

Items {
	Temperature* : strategy = everyMinute, restoreOnStartup
	TempAV : strategy = everyMinutePV, everyChange, restoreOnStartup

the rule itself looks like that:

// Calculate the average kW from last 75 minutes
rule "Calc Temperature_DG_StudioAverage"
	Item Temperature_DG_Studio received update
	var tempdgAV = Temperature_DG_Studio.averageSince(now.minusMinutes(75)) as DecimalType
	postUpdate(Temperature_DG_Studio_AV, tempdgAV)

The rule is executed well - within the log files i could see taht - but the issue is that the average calculation is not done. the items per log are always from same value:

2017-06-23 19:15:17 - Temperature_DG_Studio received command 25.18
2017-06-23 19:15:17 - Temperature_DG_Studio_AV state updated to 25.1799999999999
2017-06-23 19:15:21 - Temperature_DG_Studio received command 24.88
2017-06-23 19:15:21 - Temperature_DG_Studio_AV state updated to 24.8799999999999
2017-06-23 19:15:26 - Temperature_DG_Studio received command 25.32
2017-06-23 19:15:26 - Temperature_DG_Studio_AV state updated to 25.3200000000000

Any idea? the update is posted from the KNX Bus to OH the time it occurs. so i cannot control how often that happens.

thanks for assistance!

everyMinute will trigger every hour (5 minutes after the full hour)
everyMinutePV will trigger every hour (1 minute after the full hour)

I guess, what you wanted was

Strategies {
	// for rrd charts, we need a cron strategy
	everyMinute : "5 * * * * ?"

	everyMinutePV : "1 * * * * ?"	