After the Fritzbox was upgraded to 8.0.1, the avm binding no longer works.
Automatic searching does not work either.
Manually creating the devices with the correct are leaves the status at unknown.
Interesting is that in the Fritzbox the devices are now called e.g. Fritz!Energy or Fritz!Connect
Does anyone have an idea?
While I noticed the binding might need to be turned off and on again in case the Fritzbox rebooted, it works here as before. When the Fritzbox reboots, the binding access lease is gone, so the binding must login again. That appears to not work automatically anymore under OH4.3.
Hello Thomas, I think there is a misunderstanding.
I reinstalled the binding (because it didn’t work), the status is . But the detection doesn’t work (I set the switch in the config).
Manual entry doesn’t help either. Booting the Fritzbox isn’t the solution either.
I think the binding has a problem with the new font of the device.
But unfortunately there is no one (developer) who can analyze the trace.
So at least it isn’t a general problem with the Binding. Other AVM Items work without any issue.
I’m on openHAB 4.3.2 in Docker and the Fritzbox is on 8.0.2.
I also had problems with some old Magenta Power Switches. I was able to solve it by deleting the things, they were discovered and started working again with the previously linked items.