Avmfritz Binding: WARNING in openhab.log regarding channel "battery_level" that I do not understand

Hello everyone,

I am getting since quite a while these entries in my openhab.log which I do not understand as everything works as expected and the right values are shown. I am also of the opinion that I have configured everything correctly in my things and items files …

But as I have just updated to OH 2.4 release build I want to get things finally straight again. Hence I want to wipe out all unclear entries in my log :slight_smile: Any idea and support to solve this are kindly appreciated :slight_smile:

These are the messages in the openhab.log:

2018-12-21 11:12:13.952 [WARN ] [al.handler.AVMFritzBaseBridgeHandler] - Channel 'battery_level' in thing 'avmfritz:FRITZ_DECT_300:fritzbox:SOME_FB_AIN' does not exist, recreating thing.
2018-12-21 11:12:13.987 [WARN ] [al.handler.AVMFritzBaseBridgeHandler] - Channel 'battery_level' in thing 'avmfritz:FRITZ_DECT_300:fritzbox:SOME_FB_AIN' does not exist, recreating thing.
2018-12-21 11:12:14.010 [WARN ] [al.handler.AVMFritzBaseBridgeHandler] - Channel 'battery_level' in thing 'avmfritz:FRITZ_DECT_300:fritzbox:SOME_FB_AIN' does not exist, recreating thing.
2018-12-21 11:12:14.047 [WARN ] [al.handler.AVMFritzBaseBridgeHandler] - Channel 'battery_level' in thing 'avmfritz:FRITZ_DECT_300:fritzbox:SOME_FB_AIN' does not exist, recreating thing.
2018-12-21 11:12:14.058 [WARN ] [al.handler.AVMFritzBaseBridgeHandler] - Channel 'battery_level' in thing 'avmfritz:Comet_DECT:fritzbox:SOME_FB_AIN' does not exist, recreating thing.

But I have correctly defined them in my items file …

Number	 aktFD3CegWZTblev		"Batterie-Level EG Terrasse"			           (gFritzSHome)	{channel="avmfritz:FRITZ_DECT_300:fritzbox:SOME_FB_AIN:battery_level"}
Number	 aktFD3CegWZFblev		"Batterie-Level EG Fenster" 			           (gFritzSHome)	{channel="avmfritz:FRITZ_DECT_300:fritzbox:SOME_FB_AIN:battery_level"}
Number	 aktFD3CegKblev			"Batterie-Level EG Kueche"				           (gFritzSHome)	{channel="avmfritz:FRITZ_DECT_300:fritzbox:SOME_FB_AIN:battery_level"}
Number	 aktCD3CogBZblev		"Batterie-Level OG Bad"					           (gFritzSHome)	{channel="avmfritz:Comet_DECT:fritzbox:SOME_FB_AIN:battery_level"}
Number	 aktFD3CdgEZblev		"Batterie-Level Dachboden"				           (gFritzSHome)	{channel="avmfritz:FRITZ_DECT_300:fritzbox:SOME_FB_AIN:battery_level"}

Hi Justus,

The binding adds the battery_level automatically during runtime if available (only if you are using FRITZ!OS 7 or higher). I added a log message for notice but removed them later. OH2.4 should not log them anymore. Do you use a manually installed binding version?

Hi Christoph,

yes I still use the manually installed binding version that I had from you for my OH 2.3 installation as the HAN FUN support was only available for 2.4 …
As I understand you right, I can now switch from the manual installed binding back to the included binding as this includes the HAN FUN support in 2.4 (and has the notices removed), right?
Of course the 2.4 binding does not include the new β€œVorlagen” functionality coming with 2.5, right?

I am thinking of directly switching to the latest (2.5) jar File - which then is again manually installed. Would this new jar file still include the notices or will they also disappear moving to this latest version from Github?

Hello Christoph,

I switched from the manually installed binding to the included binding and I get now this error message in the log:

14:09:16.861 [ERROR] [org.openhab.binding.avmfritz         ] - FrameworkEvent ERROR - org.openhab.binding.avmfritz
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.avmfritz [240]
  Another singleton bundle selected: osgi.identity; type="osgi.bundle"; version:Version=""; osgi.identity="org.openhab.binding.avmfritz"; singleton:="true"

	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.start(Module.java:444) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.incStartLevel(ModuleContainer.java:1634) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.incStartLevel(ModuleContainer.java:1614) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.doContainerStartLevel(ModuleContainer.java:1585) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.dispatchEvent(ModuleContainer.java:1528) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.dispatchEvent(ModuleContainer.java:1) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager.dispatchEvent(EventManager.java:230) [?:?]
	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager$EventThread.run(EventManager.java:340) [?:?]

openhab> list in karaf console shows:

191 β”‚ Active    β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ AVM FRITZ! Binding


240 β”‚ Installed β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.4.0                  β”‚ AVM FRITZ! Binding

even though I removed the jar file from the addon directory and added it into binding = ... line of the addons. cfg file ???

Sorry, I do not know what happened … I accidentially only copied not moved the jar file from the addons folder … and after correcting that (and really deleting the jar file) I have now the 2.4 release binding active and the WARNINGS are gone!!!

openhab> list| grep AVM
241 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.4.0                  β”‚ AVM FRITZ! Binding

Remains the last question if the new 2.5 snapshot binding also removes these warnings (I guess so)!
I will see when I will test!

So thanks, for your quick reply and apologize the confusion. I finally got it on my own :slight_smile: