OS: what OS is used and which version openhabian 64bit
Java Runtime Environment: which java platform is used and what version
openHAB version: 4.3.1
Issue of the topic: please be detailed explaining your issue
I make regular backups. Therefor I just added openhab-cli backup to crontab.
Now I spotted, that from beginning of this year on, the backup size increased up to ~500MB.
Before its size was ~25MB.
Arround that time, I updated to 4.3.1.
Now I inspected the backup ZIP, there is a large dir:
openhab-backup-25_01_18-04_00_01.zip\userdata\kar\openhab-addons-4.3.1\org\openhab\addons\bundles - ZIP Archiv, ungepackte Größe 525.336.972 Bytes.
My userdata/kar directory is empty (because I haven’t installed the addons repository). this means you can delete the files and it will not affect your running system. In worst case you need an existing internet connection if you want to install a new addon.
Quite a while ago the addons.kar file was stored in the addons folder. Is the file still located there? Could you double check?
In general, the update process isn’t going to delete anything.
But this folder should only be included in the backup created by openhab-cli if you use the --full argument. Otherwise, it should be ignored same as cache and tmp. Are you using the --full argument?
No, just only openhab-cli backup without any arguments.
Today, I updated to 4.3.2. Afterwards I wanted to check the dir /var/lib/openhab/kar/, but it doesn’t exist (and of course, backup size is 25 MB again).
So, I still guess that something went wrong while updating to 4.3.1.