Basic UI does not show all items in a group


Since this week, I’m exploring OpenHAB2 (no prior OpenHAB experience).
Today, I tried building my own sitemap. They lay-out should be quiet simple: display all items in a group.
However, “some” items do not show up?!

These are my items (I’ve removed non relevant items):

/* Groups */
Group gAll	"Alles"				<group>
Group gZO 	"Zolder"			<attic>				(gAll)
Group gZO_TechnischeRuimte		"Technische Ruimte"			<softener>			(gZO)
Group gZO_OpslagRuimte			"Opslagruimte"				<pantry>			(gZO)

/* Items */
Switch KNX_gZO_TechnischeRuimte_1_0_11			"Licht Technische Ruimte"						<light>				(gZO_TechnischeRuimte, gZO_Opslagruimte) 		{ knx="<1/0/11+1/1/11" }
Switch KNX_gZO_OpslagRuimte_1_0_12				"Licht Opslagruimte"							<light>				(gZO_TechnischeRuimte, gZO_Opslagruimte) 			{ knx="<1/0/12+1/1/12" }

This is my sitemap:

sitemap default label="Test" {
    Frame label="Test frame" {
		Group item=gZO_TechnischeRuimte
		Group item=gZO_OpslagRuimte

Both groups show up correctly in my BasicUI.
When I click on the first one (gZO_TechnischeRuimte), it only shows one item (KNX_gZO_TechnischeRuimte_1_0_11), and not the other one.
When I click on the second group (gZO_OpslagRuimte), it shows up empty!

I don’t see the logic. Does anyone know how to troubleshoot this?

I’ve provided just one example, but I’ve seen some other consistencies as well. E.g. adding the group gAll to my sitemap, displays an empty group.

Adding these items directly in my sitemap (without being embedded in a group), works fine.

Any ideas are welcome. Thanks!

Sitemap is missing a curly close bracket ?

Thanks rossko57.
I think the missing curly close bracket was more a copy-paste error on to this forum, from my side. Sorry.

Finally, I’ve found the error. There were two causes to my problem:

  • I didn’t respect capital letters (gZO_Opslagruimte <-> gZO_OpslagRuimte). Those item/group names are case sensitive.
  • Most of the problems were solved by just restarting OpenHAB.

Case closed!

Well spotted, I looked twice for such a thing and didn’t see it