Basic UI / Sitemap printing command besided buttos

Frame label="TV" {
    Switch item=TV_QUARTO icon=soundvolume label="TV Volume [%s]" mappings=[TV_SAMSUNG_VOL_UP="+", TV_SAMSUNG_VOL_DOWN="-"]
    Switch item=TV_QUARTO icon=soundvolume label="TV Volume" mappings=[TV_SAMSUNG_VOL_UP="+", TV_SAMSUNG_VOL_DOWN="-"]

Works as promised.

But if you keep the label definition at the item it wont, this is diffferent because the state representation in square brackets is not the label.

String TV_QUARTO "TV Volume [%s]"

Setting the state representation as empty in the sitemap will also override the state representation.

Switch item=TV_QUARTO icon=soundvolume label="TV Volume []" mappings=[TV_SAMSUNG_VOL_UP="+", TV_SAMSUNG_VOL_DOWN="-"]

Consider reading about code fences.