Bedroom Heating Control Valve Rule Update

Good Morning everyone,

Im trying to add a variable to one of my rules to basicly only turn on the radiator valve if the temperature is lower in the room than the set point and also only when the bedroom window is shut to save on heating a room with an open window.

My initial Rule which works perfectly to control the valve just based on the temperature is as follows.

rule "Kids Bedroom heating"
    Item Kids_Bedroom_Temp_Setpoint changed or
    Item Kids_Bedroom_Temperature changed
    var Number cur_temp = Kids_Bedroom_Temperature.state as Number
    var Number setpoint = Kids_Bedroom_Temp_Setpoint.state as Number
    val  Number hysteresis = 0.2

    if (cur_temp < (setpoint - hysteresis) ){
        if (Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state != ON) {Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.sendCommand(ON)}
    else if(cur_temp > setpoint + hysteresis) {
        if (Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state != OFF) {Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.sendCommand(OFF)}

Ive already tried to add a second variable by doing the below with no success. Any ideas?

rule "Kids Bedroom heating"
    Item Kids_Bedroom_Temp_Setpoint changed or
    Item Kids_Bedroom_Temperature changed
    var Number cur_temp = Kids_Bedroom_Temperature.state as Number
    var Number setpoint = Kids_Bedroom_Temp_Setpoint.state as Number
    val  Number hysteresis = 0.2

    if (cur_temp < (setpoint - hysteresis) ){
        if (Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state != ON) (Kids_Bedroom_Window.state != 0) {Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.sendCommand(ON)}
    else if(cur_temp > setpoint + hysteresis) {
        if (Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state != OFF) {Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.sendCommand(OFF)}

Window is based on 0=Closed and 1=Open

Thank you in advanced

This is just bad syntax; two free-floating conditions. You need to define a relationship between them - and, or?

if (Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state != ON && Kids_Bedroom_Window.state != 0)

Ive tried your suggestion and now the rules does not fire at all? Obviously the window state is currently 0.

rule "Kids Bedroom heating"
    Item Kids_Bedroom_Temp_Setpoint changed or
    Item Kids_Bedroom_Temperature changed
    var Number cur_temp = Kids_Bedroom_Temperature.state as Number
    var Number setpoint = Kids_Bedroom_Temp_Setpoint.state as Number
    val  Number hysteresis = 0.2

    if (cur_temp < (setpoint - hysteresis) ){
        if (Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state != ON && Kids_Bedroom_Window.state != 0) {Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.sendCommand(ON)}
    else if(cur_temp > setpoint + hysteresis) {
        if (Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state != OFF) {Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.sendCommand(OFF)}

How could you tell? Did it fire before? The rule as written is expected to fire but do nothing sometimes under some conditions.
Why not use logInfo() to find out if and when the rule runs, and what the important conditions are at the time it runs.

2021-05-02 11:56:48.056 [ERROR] [internal.handler.ScriptActionHandler] - Script execution of rule with UID 'heating-1' failed: An error occurred during the script execution: index=1, size=1 in heating

Talk to us a bit. What is that in response to? Has your rule changed in some way from the last time you showed it?

usually means something’s missing that openHAB expected.
I think it can pop up in some situations with Quantity types (value with units).

The rules is now running like previously, before adding your additional code to the rule (i restarted openhab and it seemed to start working). But now the valve is coming on when the window is both open and closed so the added code isnt working. ive also tried changing the state its looking for from 0 to OFF to see if that would solve the issue with no luck.

This error was due to my error in the placement of loginfo()

Alright, when you want some help post the rule as it is now (if different from previous version) and log out what the state of the key conditions are.

Make rational not random changes. What is the state of the Item?
Let’s find out, first line in rule -
logInfo("test", "My rule is running and the window is " + Kids_Bedroom_Window.state.toString)

This is the rule now with your additions. which works perfectly to the setpoint and temp changes but does not seem to take into account the status of the window.

rule "Kids Bedroom heating"
    Item Kids_Bedroom_Temp_Setpoint changed or
    Item Kids_Bedroom_Temperature changed
    var Number cur_temp = Kids_Bedroom_Temperature.state as Number
    var Number setpoint = Kids_Bedroom_Temp_Setpoint.state as Number
    val  Number hysteresis = 0.2

    if (cur_temp < (setpoint - hysteresis) ){
        if (Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state != ON && Kids_Bedroom_Window.state != 0) {Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.sendCommand(ON)} 
    else if(cur_temp > setpoint + hysteresis) {
        if (Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state != OFF) {Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.sendCommand(OFF)}

This is the log entry when the window is shut

2021-05-02 12:40:17.773 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 0

Thus is the log entry when the window is open (this log seems to repeat itself every couple of secconds.

2021-05-02 12:42:41.031 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 1

2021-05-02 12:42:42.139 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 1

2021-05-02 12:42:43.236 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 1

2021-05-02 12:42:44.099 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 1

2021-05-02 12:42:44.873 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 1

2021-05-02 12:42:45.707 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 1

2021-05-02 12:42:49.333 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 1

2021-05-02 12:42:50.287 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 1

Alright, we can’t tell if your Item is a String type or a Number type from that, again let’s find out

if (Kids_Bedroom_Window.state == 0 || Kids_Bedroom_Window.state == 1) {
   logInfo("test", "Numeric match")
} else if (Kids_Bedroom_Window.state == "0" || Kids_Bedroom_Window.state == "1") {
   logInfo("test", "String match")
} else {
   logInfo("test", "Something unexpected")

|| acts as ‘or’ here.

There’s only two trigger conditions for your rule, and changes to either Item will appear in your events.log

output from log after adding your loginfo code

2021-05-02 14:18:03.300 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 0

2021-05-02 14:18:03.302 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - Numeric match

Okay, so the condition checks look correct.
What exactly happens that you do not expect, where is your rule logic not doing what you expect?

Things we don’t know so far, that influence the outcome - what is the value of cur_temp? setpoint?

the value of the cur_temp comes from a temp sensor and the value of setpoint is a setpoint item so currently set to 19 degrees.

The part of the rule that isnt working for me is that when the window is open i dont want the valve to turn on. when the window is closed i want the valve to come on heating the room if said cur_temp and setpoint have a difference of 0.2 degrees.

Im just basicly wanting to in a sence enable or disable the valve item being turn on depending on the state of the window aswell as the sepoint if that makes sense? i do apologise as im not very good with debugging and explaining myself!

I have managed to come up with a temporary work around using both textual rules and ui rules on openhab3 by disabling the valve rule when the window is open and enabling it once its shut, but im looking for an all in one textual solution if possible.

Okeydoke, that’s ambiguous in an openHAB context.
Some Items are just plain old Numbers, they have a numeric value such as 19.0
Some Items are Quantities, like a Number:Temperature type. The unit of measurement is part and parcel of the value, such as 19.0 °C
Depends where they come from and how you set them up.

Who cares? Well, you do once you start comparing or doing maths - is 19.0 °C bigger than 22? 22 what, °F? K?

This is why I’ve been trying to lead you by the nose to log your values out. I don’t know if you are dealing with numbers or temperatures yet, it is important for sums and comparisons.

ok i understand now. The values are just numbers 19 or 19.0 and then the °C is just added on my sitemap.

The issue isnt with the temperature/setpoint part of the rule that works fine. The portion that isnt working is the dont turn on the heating if the window is open.

Once again, let’s find out

    logInfo("test", "Do if-1 with cur_temp " + cur_temp.toString)  
    logInfo("test", "Do if-1 with target " + (setpoint - hysteresis).toString)  
    if (cur_temp < (setpoint - hysteresis) ){
        logInfo("test", "Cold, now do if-2 with radiator " + Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state.toString)  
        logInfo("test", "and window " + Kids_Bedroom_Window.state.toString)
        if (Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state != ON && Kids_Bedroom_Window.state != 0) { 
           logInfo("test", "Valve was off and window not-closed")

output when window is shut

2021-05-02 16:06:49.856 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 0

2021-05-02 16:06:49.859 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - Do if-1 with cur_temp 19.98

2021-05-02 16:06:49.861 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - Do if-1 with target 20.8

2021-05-02 16:06:49.863 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - Cold, now do if-2 with radiator ON

2021-05-02 16:06:49.864 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - and window 0

output when window is open

2021-05-02 16:16:19.244 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - My rule is running and the window is 1

2021-05-02 16:16:19.247 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - Do if-1 with cur_temp 19.98

2021-05-02 16:16:19.248 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - Do if-1 with target 21.8

2021-05-02 16:16:19.250 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - Cold, now do if-2 with radiator ON

2021-05-02 16:16:19.253 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test  ] - and window 1

In both circumstances the radiator valve comes on.

In neither case is the message
“Valve was off and window not-closed”
shown. I presume you do not actually see an ON command in your events.log?
The reason being the radiator was ON before we started.

Your rule only turns it OFF again when it gets too hot, it doesn’t take any notice of the window for that.

It only turns it ON when it is too cold AND the window is not-closed by the way. Not sure that is what you meant there.

In my testing the valve has always been off before testing the rule. The valve gets turned on and off via the rule, Im just wanting it to not turn the valve on if the window is open and turn it on if the window is shut.

At the minute the rule sends a command to the valve if the room temperature is lower than the setpoint.

2021-05-02 16:15:59.622 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemCommandEvent      ] - Item 'Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve' received command ON

It also gets sent a OFF command once the setpoint has been reached. Then because the valve is in the gallradiators group, it then turns on the boiler via another rule.

What im trying to achieve here is not allow the valve to be turned of if the window is open.

If you say so, but …

by the time the rule runs it thinks it’s ON.
As usual, let’s find out.
Change first line of body to
logInfo("test", "My rule is starting and the valve is " + Kids_Bedroom_Radiator_Valve.state.toString)

Ah, okay, I had the sense of it wrong, assuming you didn’t want heating when the window was open. But the window is only coming into play for the ON part at the moment. You want the window controlling the OFF but not the ON?