Bind Group Propertys to Widget

Yes, there are several examples on the forums of widgets that do something similar (e.g., here). Your trouble is that props.groupItem is just a string variable. It doesn’t include any information about the item you put into the properties dialog, just a string representing the item name. so when you call

item: =props.groupItem

you are passing the value of that string variable to the widget parser and from that string variable, the internal code fetches the information about the item.

This means 2 things:

  1. props.groupItem.Soll isn’t meaningful. String variables don’t have .Soll property or method. (It also wouldn’t be meaningful even if you were using an group item variable as this is not how you would access the members of a group, but that’s another story.)
  2. In fact, you can collect any items you wish on the basis of a single input (whether or not they are part of the same group) as long as you use a consistent base item name (note: not the same as the human readable item label) and string concatenation.

Weather items, as in the example link above, are a very common use for this sort of naming pattern where you have a base name like home_weather and then all the items of interest have an item name that starts with that, such as home_weather_temperature and home_weather_rainfall. Then your widget can refer to each of these items by adding together (concatenating) the base name which you would input in the properties and the extra identifying piece of the name:

item: =props.weatherItems + "_temperature"


item: =props.weatherItems + "_rainfall"