Binding for the Alfen wallbox in work?

I succeeded in the meanwhile to read out the Mode3 string in such a way that I can use it further in rules or apply a transformation on it.

rule "String zusammen setzen - Mode 3"
        Item WB_Status_Mode3_1 received update 
        var Int1 = ((WB_Status_Mode3_1.state as DecimalType).intValue())/256
        var Int2 = ((WB_Status_Mode3_2.state as DecimalType).intValue())/256
        var Int3 = ((WB_Status_Mode3_3.state as DecimalType).intValue())/256
        var Int4 = ((WB_Status_Mode3_4.state as DecimalType).intValue())/256
        var Int5 = ((WB_Status_Mode3_5.state as DecimalType).intValue())/256

        var String Mode3_String = String::valueOf(Character::toChars(Int1))
        if (WB_Status_Mode3_2.state != 0) Mode3_String = Mode3_String + String::valueOf(Character::toChars(Int2))
        if (WB_Status_Mode3_3.state != 0) Mode3_String = Mode3_String + String::valueOf(Character::toChars(Int3))
        if (WB_Status_Mode3_4.state != 0) Mode3_String = Mode3_String + String::valueOf(Character::toChars(Int4))
        if (WB_Status_Mode3_5.state != 0) Mode3_String = Mode3_String + String::valueOf(Character::toChars(Int5))

        //logInfo("Wallbox: Mode3-String", "Mode3_String: " + Mode3_String + ", Länge Mode3_String: " + Mode3_String.length)

But I have no clue, how I could continue with reading the FLOAT64 value. The only thing I found is the below linked post which allows to transfer a byte array to a FLOAT32 value. But how to adapt it for FLOAT64 with the most significant bit first (called “network byte order” in the Alfen manual)? Do you have a tip for the respective posts you indicated?

Apart from that, I hope, that other Alfen users can answer me the following point I wonder about.

By using Modscan, I could read out the following data for the FLOT64 registers from 362 on:
(Modscan works with an offset of 1 compared to the Alfen documentation)

According the Alfen documentation, I understand, that the registers are reserved or not available respectively. Can someone confirm that actually only the FLOT64 register “Real Energy Delivered Sum” with the starting register 374 is available?

Last but not least, I would still appreciate when reading FLOAT64 registers becomes possible with the Modbus binding directly. I understood from other posts, that there might be a lot of different ways how the registers are arranged, but looking to other tools, like Modscan, it is most probably most of the time reduced to two approaches.