Ok. Then enable it again start it and send me the log file if it happen.
the scheme I see so far is that it stops working after “/system/healthStatus, data: {“id”:”/system/healthStatus",“type”:“stringVal
ue”,“writeable”:0,“recordable”:0,“value”:“ok”}" (seen this multiple times in the log) and from that point on claims that “Old runnable is still running” until openhab is restarted - I guess that it would be interesting to figure out the cause for this.
2017-01-22 10:28:53.908 [DEBUG] [nding.km200.internal.KM200Comm] - parseJSONData service: /system/healthStatus, data: {"id":"/system/healthStatus","type":"stringVal
2017-01-22 10:28:53.908 [DEBUG] [nding.km200.internal.KM200Comm] - initDevice: type string value: {"id":"/system/healthStatus","type":"stringValue","writeable":0,"r
2017-01-22 10:28:53.909 [DEBUG] [nding.km200.internal.KM200Comm] - Check state of: /heatingCircuits/hc1/switchPrograms/A/weekday type: null item: org.openhab.core.l
2017-01-22 10:29:53.497 [DEBUG] [.b.km200.internal.KM200Binding] - KM200 execute
2017-01-22 10:29:53.497 [DEBUG] [.b.km200.internal.KM200Binding] - Starting runnable
2017-01-22 10:29:53.497 [INFO ] [.b.km200.internal.KM200Binding] - Old runnable is still running
2017-01-22 10:30:53.498 [DEBUG] [.b.km200.internal.KM200Binding] - KM200 execute
2017-01-22 10:30:53.498 [DEBUG] [.b.km200.internal.KM200Binding] - Starting runnable
2017-01-22 10:30:53.498 [INFO ] [.b.km200.internal.KM200Binding] - Old runnable is still running
2017-01-22 10:31:53.498 [DEBUG] [.b.km200.internal.KM200Binding] - KM200 execute
2017-01-22 10:31:53.499 [DEBUG] [.b.km200.internal.KM200Binding] - Starting runnable
2017-01-22 10:31:53.499 [INFO ] [.b.km200.internal.KM200Binding] - Old runnable is still running
2017-01-22 10:32:53.499 [DEBUG] [.b.km200.internal.KM200Binding] - KM200 execute
I need the log file and the item file. It would be good if you could send it to me.
ok, the following link provides the files:
OK, I will look to it.
It would be great if you could test something else.
Test it with only one item, maybe date/time. Look whether the same problem happens.
i have the problem in OH2 in log:
2017-01-25 23:49:53.891 [ERROR] [org.apache.felix.configadmin ] - Cannot use configuration org.openhab.km200 for [org.osgi.service.cm.ManagedService, org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler, id=301, bundle=185/mvn:org.openhab.binding/org.openhab.binding.km200/1.9.0]: No visibility to configuration bound to file:/opt/openhab/addons/org.openhab.binding.km200-1.9.0.jar
it will possible help me ?
Did you copy it by hand? You can try the included km200 binding in OH2. Enable the lagacy binding and install it from the Paper UI. There you can do the configuration over the PaperUI too.
when i enable legacy binding a have this issue:
No data in inbox when Search For Things
You cannot see things because it’s still a 1.9 binding… it’s only a configuration help. You have to config your stuff still with the item files. The logfile looks good, you can see a list of availible services.
DId you copy your existing items from another user? Some of the service are not existing in your heating system.
I created a new set of items with one value of the pump. the log is no longer a mistake but I do not know where I should now look at some results OH, or if I need to configure anything else I saw on the dashboard values? Sorry for the questions, the first time I use OH
I reduced my setup to /system/sensors/temperatures/outdoor_t1 on friday evening - since then it didn’t get stuck
Thx, this information is important. I’m still on looking where the problem is.
Here is a new real OH2 binding as first version for testing.
How it works:
- Remove all 1.9 configuration (items and stuff)
- Put this file in /usr/share/openhab2/addons
- Restart openhab2
- Go to Inbox in PaperUI, klick on “+” and KM200 binding
- After some time your KM device should appear
- Add it to the things
- Go there, edit it and add the encryption configuration
- Wait 1-2 Minuts, the thing should go online (you can still see the services in log)
- Go now to inbox again and press the “+” Button and you should see like the services are appearing
- Create the things and link the channels
(I tested it but it’s still pre alpha).
Hello, thanks for oh2 bindings. I test on my IVT AirX heatpump. I just add KM50/100/200 Gateway to things and setup encryption. Status in online When i again discovery for things show me only dhw1 and gateway and in log is error.
This Log File is a bit to short Please Send me the whole one. I need more informations.
this is complet log when i add km200
ok. I think its fixed now:
thanks, this is working a have problem link with items, buttons under channel not working
There seems to be an problem in OH2 on auto-created-channels. In the latest nightly it’s partially working. The other workarround is the enabling of the simple mode in the configuration. It will link all channels automaticly to items.
I struggle with the items (OH2) as well.
My thing looks like this:
So how do the channels look like? (I tried many variations of OH1 Binding with “/”, but did not succeed yet.
The following do not work:
{channel="km200:notification:errorString" }
{channel="km200:kmdevice:kmdevice:notification:nbrErrors" }
Could someone please provide the list of items?
Thanks in advance.
(By the way: the KM200 works fine with the Buderus App)