Bindings throws an exception


During start i’m getting and exceptios with two bindings: Astro and milight

[ERROR] [org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.astro ] - [org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.astro.internal.discovery.AstroDiscoveryService(17)] The activate method has thrown an exception
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected static field org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.astro.internal.discovery.AstroDiscoveryService.scheduler

[ERROR] [org.openhab.binding.milight         ] - [org.openhab.binding.milight.internal.discovery.MilightBridgeDiscovery(24)] The activate method has thrown an exception
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected static field org.openhab.binding.milight.internal.discovery.MilightBridgeDiscovery.scheduler

Does anyone have similar problem?
openhab2 2.3.0~20180331153334-1
openhab2-addons 2.3.0~20180331153334-1
openhab2-addons-legacy 2.3.0~20180331153334-1 ¦ Milight Binding ¦ Astro Binding

Thanks in advance

If you are using older bindings with an updated openHAB (e.g. old JARs in your addons folder) you have to update these with a more recently compiled version.

See: Unit-Support, KNX 2, Karaf 4.1.5 Upgrade and more!

Thanks for info. I’ve tried last one 1251 but it didn’t start. I’m waiting for a new one.

Try using this new binding for an opensource hub that allows you to connect to the milight globes.