Bosch Indego, How to use Bosch single ID

Thanks for making it work again :slight_smile:

Hi my Indego binding stopped working on 03.08.
Is it only on my side? I updated to 4.2.1 today and tried the offical binding and the 4.1.3 SNAPSHOT both with same result

Failed to authenticate with Bosch SingleKey ID

Same here… :frowning:

Mine is still online, have you tried to reauthenticate?

The authentication page Bosch Indego Logon
Mower.User](https://Bosch) ends up in an empty page and fails despite a succesful logon. I tried with 3 different browsers, from different IPs, nothing works to me at least.

Possibly related to this email:

@laursen is there any chance for an updated binding or a way to re-authenticate?

There is nothing to be done in the binding, since the binding doesn’t (and cannot) support the current way of authenticating. This means the authentication is done manually outside of the binding, and the resulting access token is simply taken and stored as described in the documentation. Perhaps the manual steps have slightly changed, but in general it should still work.

I can try to go through a reauthentication sometime soon, or someone else could. You could also try posting here exactly which steps you have taken trying to obtain the access token, perhaps this could also help shed some light.

I can confirm that (re)authentication works as described in the documentation. Just did this myself sucessfully after (probably) session got invalid and mower was reported as offline.

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